
To be fair, I try to load my own bowl up—not to the Leaning Tower of Pisa extent I've seen others do—but it's more so I'm not tempted to eat another bowl, and then another bowl…..basically, I do it to try and cut myself off, not to save money, because my will is weak, and their food can be delicious.

And four fried chickens.

Pro-tip: that works basically everywhere.

Chipotle, at least the one time I've been there, had tasteless meat. I couldn't figure out why my friends raved about the place and said it was better than Qdoba's. (Though to be fair, I'm pissed Qdoba got rid of the tasty barbecue sauce they used to have.)

I don't know, I wouldn't mind some Henry Rollins-esque ranting on-stage: "Fuck you! Fuck your bullshit! Fuuucckk!" etc etc. Basically, having them all shout at each other about how each other is totally wrong and completely full of shit. Civility is overrated sometimes.



That's what I've pretty much come to terms with. Which does suck once in a while when the wall of loneliness smacks me in the face, but otherwise, fuck having to deal with someone else's issues again. At least my cat is self-reliant.

In my personal experience, being a female geek also means you may never find someone else to even bother bringing up such a question to.

Ohhhh yeah, THAT one. I hated the artwork so much. I also do not remember fuck-all about it, and, reading the summaries, I'm pretty sure I didn't even bother trying to read it.

I only had the first miniseries complete; I did buy a few of the most recent, but since my comic shop is a good half hour drive, I didn't bother to keep up.

There was the first mini-series, then a long-term series, then another one, and then one more about two years ago for good measure. (And I didn't even know about the second long term one, I had to see it mentioned on another website FFS.) The Rogue miniseries in the 90's may as well have been Gambit's as well,

I was thrilled when his third(?) solo series had mostly dropped the damn thing. I get that comics are a visual medium, but crap like that got old very, very fast. Moira too was pretty bad for a while, though I can deal with what seemed to be nicknames or curses in a different language.

Well, that's one way to stop me from watching further Batman movies.

"This is 1874 1945; you'll be able to sue he—wait."

Yeah, that doesn't stop a lot of people in the Marvel U.

The phonetic accent for anyone is fucking irritating. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Gambit, but he, Rogue, and plenty of others need to have that shit toned down or removed altogether, because it's absurd. The damn comics seem to insist on practically re-introducing every single person every single issue anyway;

I was actually just startled to see the Freedom From Religion commercial.

And Milwaukee.

So Teller was basically playing himself in Divergent and Insurgent. Good to know.