
I dunno, I think Transformers has been pretty open about being a ridiculous set of loud, obnoxious movies with robots. FF and Genysis by contrast appear to want to be taken far too seriously, FF especially so.

Sue was 17 when she first met Reed, and he was in college, which he got into early at the age of 14. Graduated around 20. So, yes, she's not too much younger than him.

Considering they had a Skrull on the team for a while, it's hilariously insane they haven't thought of it.

…he has no bowel functions? I presume he also doesn't bother to eat, then.

Your comment pretty accurately sums up what the problem is with Hollywood; if Reed Richards was cast perfectly, Sue would not be much younger than him. Assuming Reed is in his 30's, Sue would only be a few years his junior. But Hollywood would cast someone like (as someone else suggested) Alexis Denisof, and yet

Skrull Alicia.

And the one they did, it was so mild and almost uninterested that I'm pretty sure the actor thought it was too stupid to bother with.

….not sure why, he's supposed to be the bad guy. You won't sell him as a hero, but as an attempt at an anti-hero who, it turns out, is actually a massive douchebag of a villain? Why not?

Also, Storm just won't return his calls. It's almost as if she doesn't want to be his queen.

I think that was the weirdest part of the whole thing; the whole reason Clark is how he is is because his adopted parents raised him to be, well, Superman. To turn around and say basically "well, saving kids is fine, but you have to protect your own ass at the expense of theirs" is kind of like Uncle Ben telling

Yeah, but Genysis was supposed to be part of a new series, and it hasn't done so well; even if they do have a release date, they might drop it if this FF tanks.

…..that might actually be funnier.

I'm just hoping Dish is smart enough to understand I want The Daily Show to record tonight, since I'll be at the state fair.

I can only fathom. Everyone, actually, blames the fact it happened around midterm elections, which tend to skew very low for actual voters. So either people forget, or don't think it's very important because the president isn't also being elected at the same time. Which is a bullshit excuse, but there you are.

True, that's not necessarily the better option either. Her eyes scare me, and I don't remember that being the case when she was still on TV.

It helps when you realize the last election was literally 25% of the state saying they liked him. The 75% that was left over either didn't want him, didn't care enough to vote, or couldn't.

The Koch brothers can have him and keep him. In fact, I'm sure they have a lovely vacation house in the Virgin Islands or some place where he can retire to. Anywhere but continuing to fuck up Wisconsin.

He also dropped "Keeping it 100%" (except for tonight for some odd reason), which reaaally helped.

Always saddens me to remember the day I found out Ben Stein is actually a pretty major dick.

I'm just hoping it will be basically Trump vs. Everyone Else Trying to Prove They're Both Crazier and Yet Not As Crazy As the Hairpiece Who Won't Shut Up. Especially Walker. I so hope that bastard bombs.