
Orgazmo was NC-17, and didn't show any bare tits, flashed a few quick seconds of male ass (for a joke), and was otherwise cleaner than most R movies. But it was about the porn industry, so apparently that was enough to hit it with the worst rating possible.

If only he had brought a fluffy black kitten to stroke as he stared at them.

And The Stones don't even have the excuse of most of the band being dead. (Granted, with today's 3D technology, even death doesn't stop artists anymore, apparently….)

I'm still waiting for Hallmark to make some Itty Bitties of the rest of the band. So far, Animal is the only one to have a cute widdle toy.

I hope you took pictures.

The beginning, before the disillusionment sets in.

Somehow, that doesn't even surprise me. Willingham's behaviour, that is. What a horribly fun read about a douche nozzle.

Fuck, it's been 13 years since Fables started? I suppose I really did fall behind on it.

I like yogurt, but I can only imagine eating it for every meal would be like trying to choke down a cup of ejaculate three times a day.

No loss. I assume it would be overly congratulatory over the two white dudes who basically decided to walk through a bunch of people's backyards, asked some of the neighbors to show them the easiest way to do it, and then patted themselves on the backs for dealing with such hardship as to be basically led on a nature

My cousin is one of those people, and it's actually really, really nonsensical. Even my dad doesn't get it, and he's a Marine, used to be an NRA member (you know, like two decades ago before they went fucking nuts), and he watched my cousin get all hot and bothered over a water gun that looked like a fully automatic

My cousin is one of those people, and it's actually really, really nonsensical. Even my dad doesn't get it, and he's a Marine, used to be an NRA member (you know, like two decades ago before they went fucking nuts), and he watched my cousin get all hot and bothered over a water gun that looked like a fully automatic

You mean you didn't buy the T-shirt?

Seriously, I would not mind him signing that shit on any of my Star Wars stuff.

Talking about class means talking about socialism/communism, and we don't truck with that sort of talk. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you lazy Commie! etc etc.

Seems to be the argument of which season ends the Age: it's either 8 or 9. Honestly, for me, this season is the one I remember episodes from, and after that, I'm pretty much a blank slate on them, so I guess I'd pick 9 simply because it's the last I remember watching on its original airdate.

No it wouldn't. Rachel wasn't even given a surname in the original DoFP. No one but longtime fans would have even known who the hell she was; everyone else would have just been, "Oh, a new mutant with time travel powers, hello Plot Device."

Went to Milwaukee Comic con for the second time this year on Sunday, and got in half an hour hour to beat the rush. (I find it hilarious that I have yet to go to Serb Hall for what everyone knows it for—their fish fry—and instead have only bothered due to comics.) Found 99% of Captain Britain and MI:13 this time,

It was kind of interesting to see that the character who will eventually
be Rachel Summers was not initially given a surname, just being

Are you serious? I just explained all of that.