
At least it's better than what Claremont apparently wanted to use: Picard.

That's funny, I always thought Rogue was always an angst machine. It was just the possibility of even thinking about someone else that turned her into an even whinier one.

I always suffer because I also add in that Jubilee is one of my favourites too. Because no one can like the Robin knockoff because it's not cool, or something. (Hell, I'm just glad I managed to find her first appearance at Milwaukee Comic Con Sunday for $8; the vendor is dead sure the cost is going to go up once the

33, and I could give two fucks about Venom, Gambit and Jubilee are still two of my favourites, and Deadpool…..'eh, he's amusing. That is not to say I don't enjoy Claremont's run a hell of a lot more than the trainwreck the 90's turned the team into (except for Age of Apocalypse, which, whatever people think about

Nope. Gambit handed him his ass before he lost the steel claws.

Not all of them.

No. No they are not. The two of them were interesting at the beginning, and fucking terrible the longer it lasted. It was like reading a slow motion car crash that kept rewinding and crashing.

And that's why I like late night shows. Far less of a crowd where I am.

One of these years when we visit the family in Houston, I may actually eat at Whataburger. So far, we have yet to do so.

I call that soda machine the "Magic Coke Machine," and I damn near got on my knees and begged for my boss to get one for our store. Sadly, it's $300 a month to rent, so I have to go to other places for my Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke fix.

True fact: I use that sound bite for my phone's fully charged sound.

Yep. To be fair, though, it seems like store selection sucks in many book stores now, unless you're looking for something immediate and new. There's been more than a few times I've gone into B'n'N looking for a particular book, and couldn't find it, but I can then get it on Amazon in two days and cheaper (which a

Hmmm….yeah, I think I could deal with that more than Tatum. Honestly, I didn't have a huge problem with whatsis name in the Wolverine: Origins movie, outside of the fact that movie was a piece of shit, and his accent was all over the place. But he did kind of look the part.

I was highly amused when someone posted that news in a Facebook comic group and actually sounded legitimately saddened.

I just miss their free reward program, instead of having to pay $25 a year to get discounts and free shipping at Barnes and Noble.

That would have been fine. To my memory, Sue wasn't a genius—not stupid by any means, but not at the level of her husband—and to try and make the movie version one, and then casting Alba, was just hilariously wrong. Casting Alba as a piece of eye candy who is reasonably competent at being a proto-superhero and not

What, no love for the Orgazmorator?

I didn't say she's incompetent, but I have yet to see her handle any role where she was supposed to be more than just street smart or better than average. Rather like Denise Richards in The World is Not Enough.

And there was the problem: you can hire eye candy, fine, we expect it, but you don't hire Jessica Alba and then expect us to buy the idea her character is an intellect on par with Reed Richards.