
The TV we had since, I believe, at least my very young childhood (since I recall playing my Atari 2600 on it), if not before I was born in 1981, was a fucking solid console box you could sit on and use as a table. It was still working when we put it outside five years ago for anyone to take. Had the pull out knob

I like Hootie & the Blowfish.

Old singles. There's a site I visit that's dedicated to one guy basically ripping all of his 80's and early 90's LP singles to the best quality he can and uploading them for people to hear, because 90% of them are versions of songs that never made it to CD. I imagine the record execs would love to argue that somehow

Buck-Tick. Usually around $30 an album when I get them from CD-Japan, and still one of the few places I buy physical CDs. Even a damn single is almost $20.

Still exists, actually.

Not many, since I've been trying to rip to FLAC as much as possible.

I still remember when we drove down to Texas, and used mom's Sirius radio to listen to the 80's channel, and realized they kept playing the same VJ radio set. It was annoying as shit, and I play a lot of 80's on my own player. I just can't fathom how, when there is clearly a ton more music they can play, they keep

Not well, I believe.

I think most people also don't ever consider that streaming also costs a shitload if you don't have a good data plan, which seems to be fairly common. Why would I then want to stream when I can have a separate portable player that can carry all of it?

I can make my coworker crack up, without fail, by me taking a look around, walking right up to her, and saying, "So I said, 'biiiiiiitch….'" She has no idea what I'm referencing, but she laughs every. single. time.

They try to get together there at least once a month on Tuesdays.

I'm guessing it was because he wanted to impress Pepper with his mad tech and massive co—wallet. Also, he wanted to bang her. Showing off to Stark was icing on the cake, although I did think it was pretty funny that Stark clearly gave no shits because….really, why would he?

I really only watched T1 just recently (it's on Netflix!), and I can't say I actually recall him having personality in that either past "angry" and "slightly less angry." But I also fell asleep before he even bit it, so I might have also glossed some of it over in my head.

To be fair, I wouldn't expect Courtney's character to be much more than "generic soldier grunt" type, considering he grew up in a warzone.

But it had the Raptor Whisperer! And the T-Rex from the first movie! And vehicles from the first movie! Were you not entertained? (Note: I was not.)

I dunno, I thought it took a fair amount of brass ballage to re-do a series barely a decade later, have recent knowledge of what basically tanked the first, and then decided to do the same thing again. It was almost poetic: "Well, the third movie had too many villains. So how about, for the second movie this time

I did finally catch up on American Dad on Netflix….about eight seasons worth. I definitely did enjoy it more than Family Guy, and you're right; for the most part, they don't take things to the same extreme as Family Guy. I haven't really watched it since, but that's more because I just don't keep up much anymore

Well, the ALA code of ethics kind of discourages libraries from basically taking it upon themselves to decide, over the wishes of the community, what books should be allowed. No censorship, and all of that. Every book its reader.

I was just not really impressed with how it played out, honestly. And the fact it seemed to be out of nowhere, or at least from where I had remembered the characters, plus, Quagmire. I dunno. It was pretty much the last straw and the nail in the coffin of me watching it, and I haven't bothered now in several years.

Oh, I don't argue that Brian isn't a piece of shit on his own (and I have read the rant before). It just felt ridiculous that people seemed to think Quagmire calling him on it somehow made Quagmire the better man, and it was just like….oh come on. McFarlane also didn't write the episode, so I'm not sure how it's