
The waiter was just the saddest puppy dog ever, trying to convince Andre not to step off that proverbial cliff. That just sold it.

Local coffee shops, maybe?

No, you're right; I thought I had "mostly." Apparently I only added that in my head. Mea culpa.

…which is funny you mention Brian, considering I think one of my very last straws was hearing that Quagmire apparently decided to openly and completely destroy Brian for being a not-good-person, because he himself feeds the homeless. Nevermind this is the same character who has apparently sexually assaulted,

He's also pretty obviously replaced by a stunt guy in the beginning of True Lies as well; if I remember right, the stunt guy doesn't even have the same colour of hair, and once you realize it, you can't stop noticing it.

I think it's less "bad food" than a progression from "don't drink the water" to "Mexican food therefore is also bad." Plus, when I was a kid, I was pretty much the only POC in my class, so it was an easy target to mock; thinking of anything else would have taken effort, but food seems to be a universal starting point

Wow, I'm kind of sorry I missed the Final. I wandered away just before the last commercial break, and figured Jake would win.

Mostly, I read his tweets, and I've used his work on network neutrality and the like for my classes. Plus one of his stories about the end of the world, and the nerds saving the day, because seriously, they would be the ones keeping the servers up and humanity going.

Rocks fall, everyone dies, and then we cut to….

I hate-watched the first two seasons to see why everyone on my Facebook page was so over the moon for it. What a mistake. Then I decided fuck it, may as well hate myself more, and tried to get through season three, gave up near the end, TV Trope'd it, and decided I was still missing nothing. They should have all

I give it less than two miles. They've just gone in ever smaller circles.

I admit, if someone mentions Super Mario Bros., it's the overworld theme that immediately starts playing in my head. After that, though, I think the first generation Mario games are way overused when it comes to things like remixes and references—not that I don't love them myself, but where the hell is the love for

Not going to lie, I originally read the headline as Corey Doctorow having died, and I was stricken; he's only in his forties, he can't be dead!

It was 100% a lazy joke, and almost kind of weird considering how his character acts around the people he runs into later, no argument there. The laziness of some of these things are more annoying than actual blood-boiling, though; it's like Top Gear making fun of Mexico by claiming the food is terrible, which is the

Very true. I'd forgotten about tha—-waaait a minute.

I was being a bit sarcastic, honestly. Keep forgetting that doesn't always translate well.

I don't think he is either, but I think his style of humour is problematic at times considering. That one bit joke at the beginning of the movie about the Indian attacks was more "well, that's not an entirely surprising viewpoint for that time period" and not "Adam Sandler co-wrote this."

And he was so. damn. good. looking. as Ares. Seriously good looking.

*But he would do a reboot of "Brisco County, Jr." in a heartbeat.*

Montalban was Mexican.