
Apparently they explained it away in the comic series they came out with after the movie, but….yeeaah. Love the actor, hated the entire brouha around the casting decision. They should have just kept him as John Harrison, and they could have jettisoned about ten minutes of the movie and nothing would have changed.

When I saw Into Darkness, my mind went something like this:

He mistook Jerusalem in the Roman Empire for Jerusalem, Ohio. Just a little slip in the magic…could've happened to anyone.

Very, very alive. Although, to be fair, expecting people to not only recognize a person is indigenous, but know which tribal affiliation they are, is begging for a small pocket book full of names they probably couldn't pronounce on a good day. Or, if you're like me and pedantic, knowing "Aztec" is also not correct

They are where I live. Probably because one of the dead from Chattanooga was from Wisconsin.

Mine apparently had to drive down villagers as he drove supplies, because he was not—was NOT—allowed to stop, for fear the villager would have a bomb. So did he save his fellow troops? Absolutely. Was he using his wipers to clean blood off the windshield after he ran down some old lady standing in the road? Also

To be honest, my dad doesn't like McCain either, but mostly because he actually agrees with the basic notion of what Trump said: he's no hero simply because he got captured, and even less so because he was the son of an Admiral, and the Viet Cong knew it. But my dad is also a Vietnam Vet himself, and does have his

Yep. "Indian" is a problem, in that you then have to clarify sometimes ("not the Asian Indian, the North American Indian"), "Native American" has its own ("America" is not the original name of the land, it's taken from a European dude's name, and he didn't even claim to have discovered it). Quite a lot of groups

For the most part, they mocked him, got him high, and helped him kill Liam Neesons, so pretty much accurate.

So we've named four out of….a lot more than four. Yep, that disproves me totally!

It feels like the writers often don't do their research and just grab at the one thing they remember about the character.

Not a clue.

Nothing like assuming a fellow person of colour is white.

Big Electric Cat: obscure Australian gothic rock band who basically did two albums and vanished, as well as the vastly more popular Adrian Belew song. Fucking Adrian Belew.

Just the commercial is a wacky piece of fuckery. I have yet to see the actual movie so far.

What does that even mean?

Festa Italiana this weekend; basically an excuse to get the fuck out of the Port area, since it's also Drunk Fest With Fish, AKA Fish Day. It was a nice bit of relaxation after two days of fucking with my router (which has now apparently messed up the XBMC I have running on my Ouya, which makes no sense at all), and

Upvoted for being called a socialist whilst being in Waukesha.

It was a surprise to read a book years later that pretty clearly showed the ridiculousness of how he's been portrayed in class versus the articulate man who apparently was seen as definitely not a lunatic when he was sentenced.

Really? I had the opposite problem; I don't recall any books newer than maybe the 70's for the most part, and history classes tended to end at WWII. Which was very confusing for me, since my dad had been in Vietnam, and we almost never talked about it.