
He was brought up at my school as a raving lunatic who basically went on a killing spree. Oh, and he hated slavery. I had to get to college and picking up my own books to find anything remotely nuanced about him.

He's also made it easier to work without a break in the week, because we were all desperate to work more.

Only "almost"?

"100% Mexican" is also a mix of European and Native ancestry (which is racially linked to Asians, as A_Dog mentions below). There are a looot of Mexicans (and really, Latin Americans as a whole) who look perfectly European, and, genetically, are, but are ethnically Mexican, or Central American, or South American, and

I pretty much know of "Shake It Off," and I'm happy with that.

What an asshole.

That is probably one of the first things that come to mind when someone mentions Leary. Seriously, I can hear the fucking chorus in my head right now you asshole.

He wasn't convicted, ergo, shut up, haters.

The civilized countries have a way of rejecting it.

If that were the case, my dad should have been conservative years ago. It's always a joy to hold him up as an example: 70 years old, white, Vietnam Vet, and has not, to my knowledge, ever voted for a Republican in his life. (He gets Double Word Score on "veteran who is NOT conservative" as well, which is even more a

It's funny in a "son of a BITCH, we almost got rid of the bastard" sort of way that segues into a CMOA. I have to hand it to him, I don't think too many of our presidents would have had the balls to go after the guy who tried to shoot them twice and failed and beat him senseless.

I don't know; would it be any better than these shitty pictures and lack of comedy to find older pictures to caption instead?

Pretty sure Evans has been open about wanting to move on already, which is likely why they decided to introduce Bucky. RDJ, while a founding member of the Avengers, could always step down and some other member could replace him, which is good about an ensemble cast that has a history in its original format at

Cut down on the cheese, and the (usually greasy) meats. And thinner crust might help too, but that's a cracker, and not pizza.

I was being a smartass, but part of it is probably due to just that; the idea that the "Lost Cause" was all about fighting the "ebil gov'mint" and "state's rights." The problem is, they keep glossing over or ignoring the fact that it was the state's wanting to ignore the federal government (which had not yet fully

I have no idea on the "moral values" bit, because I've never seen the show either, but I'm pretty sure they're also not ruthless rapists that are supposed to be held up as role models either. It's a TV show that offers more insight into a decade than anything else.

John Oliver's Whoopi "Greatest Blunders" short video was terrifying.

……the fuck? I mean, I'm not entirely happy with what we did, and I feel we really may not have needed to, but something that happened during wartime with the argument that it was to save lives is worlds away from a country that may be run by the batshit insane who think they need to run jihad.

Walker realized the thing we need most is more sports arenas, and less college-edumacation.

Or "voter fraud," as my boss would not stop shouting about when McCain and Alaskan Barbie came to our area in 2008, and I made the mistake of going to see their rally. She was obnoxiously loud about it.