
To be honest, pulling Dukes is, to me, akin to deleting the Twin Towers out of movies that were made before 9/11; it makes no fucking sense, we know they existed, and it basically renders any actual discussion meaningless. Besides the fact, talking about the fact the Confederate flag is in the show would at least

Because it was state's rights.

The Milwaukee five-county area does indeed have super conservative counties….that are not Milwaukee. So pretty much no one voting for him around here actually lived in the place that he fucked over. It was still boggling.

I don't know why I find the fact Marquette has such a group hilarious, but I guess if they're going to do something, they may as well over-do it.

Which was after fucking Milwaukee for eight years as County Executive. Which is was really boggles me, it's not as if he wasn't just as shitty then.

Only if it's his head in a jar.

Upvoted for knowing history.

If she weighs the same as a duck….

It's okay if real Americans are the rapists, the body has ways of shutting "real" rape down.

It gets even better when you realize the music of your childhood (like the 80's) is now considered classic rock.

I went to school with a Nye, who once told us he wasn't sure if Bill was actually an uncle of his or not. In any case, he was a little miserable every time we had a science class, since we obviously watched the show pretty much constantly for most of my middle and high school years. We were all kind of little

"Modern age"? Taft wasn't exactly president during the Victorian Age, and he was a rotound porker himself.

With regards to Lincoln, there is still a great deal that is uncertain
about what he actually believed, and what he said in order to win
himself votes. His views were complicated, ever-changing, and of his

Not surprising. Doctorow co-wrote a short story about computer nerds saving the world after the Apocalypse.

My friend and I were discussing that earlier in the day. Our consensus: the suits should (especially when they're expensive) have some sort of fan apparatus set up to keep them cool. But I have a feeling that's not the case with all of them.

Weirdly, one of the first trilogies of X-Men novels in the 90's specifically mentioned that everyone actually got a college level education. And Kitty and the New Mutants did make mention of having to write papers off and on in the 80's. How canon the books are I can't say, and obviously any mention of actual

Also, Patch, Psylocke being transformed, and Jubilee blowing up a house. I could dig that.

As far as I know, Days of Future Past supposedly retconned it out of existance. Not sure if the second was too.

….because they could have easily found a black defense lawyer who would have even attempted it? That doesn't even make sense. I get being angry by the idea of "white man saving the day" a la Avatar, but at the time the book is set and where it's set, I wouldn't expect anyone else but a white defense attorney to be

I don't know why it's impossible. Atticus, from I remember, was doing the right thing in defending a man wrongfully accused of rape, which he would have done because it was A: his job, and B: because allowing an innocent man to be imprisoned or worse would be going against his ethics. (Granted, I am very dimly