
I know there is, but I was talking about legally.

It does. On the one hand, being able to own my classic games on a portable medium is nice, and it would have been cool to have Super Mario Bros. 2 on my phone. On the other, it's annoying as shit to play games meant to be played on tactical controls on a touch screen and expect them to be the same experience.

Rght? The Wii was revolutionary, even if it's suffered in some ways. And it was open about what it was meant to do.

Very true. But they are still putting out plays with Ace, so I don't know if they ever established yet how she leaves with certainty.

I think anyone would have been pissed. He did get a cool car out if it, though. And Sarah Jane Smith.

I figured as much once I typed that, but the way he's dressed up, and the hair, makes him look quite a bit younger.

Never took to Charlie. She does take a sharp downturn after Zagreus, that is true.

Granted, I don't know how many others on the AV Club bother with Google+, but a whole metric fuckton of the fans on there in Doctor Who groups are almost universally A: Nu!Who fans specifically, and B: BIG Matt Smith fans, and whining quite often about how Capaldi "sucks" and is "old" and "ugly." I didn't like

No wonder it was one of the best parts of the movie.

My first doctor was Ten, and I miss him and that ridiculous coat, but the amount of fangirling and teeth gnashing online about "we miss Matt!" and crying that Capaldi is "too old" and "ugly" is driving me spare.

I'm unsure why there's "reasons" for anything; the Doctor just seems to change, and it's whatever the writers feel like doing. I guess you can argue that there's unconscious directional regeneration at work.

Haven't heard The Last yet, but again, it's Charlie, so I'm not in a rush. I'm probably going to pre-order the newest Eight serial before I bother buying the rest of these older ones. (Actually, I'll probably buy some of Seven's before I bother.)

Also Big Finish audio.

Nope. But he is a hologram.

Pretty much, yeah. They blow the wad on him in the first ten minutes or so, then bring him back near the end to speak for about another two as a faint blue hologram.

Yeah, I think I could have been happy with just the first two, and forgotten the last two.

Saw Terminator: Genysis yesterday. All I took away for the most part was A: when they know they're planning for sequels, and it's The Terminator, they can do whatever the fuck they feel like with time travel and they don't care, and B: J.K. Simmons was way underutilized. Oh, and C: they really did a bang-up job with

I saw Genysis Friday and good lords do I agree. I knew some of the main plot points, so mostly I just wanted to see what they did with it, but what the fuck. I know they're betting on a sequel, and I know the first movie was basically a self-sustaining loop, but so much of it seemed based on "well, fuck making

I reaaallly want to see the Spanish language version of Dracula and I keep waffling on picking the blu-ray up.

So….is this version of Lex Luthor not a contemporary of Kent's? Because I can't buy Eisenberg as being anywhere near Superman's age. He looks like a college hippie.