
Too soon, man, too soon.

I thought they'd been so for a while. It's the only rational explanation.

Pullin' himself up by his bootstraps.

Too bad they don't show the outfit actually getting ratty. How Elsa managed to walk around in that light blue dress and not end up a dirt ball by the end of it….

That was just an amazing pile of shit. I get the feeling the writers just thought it was would be funny more than "let's legitimately bring Maid Marian back to fuck with Regina."

Pretty much this, with a healthy dose of "Jesus fucking Christ, have they all been smacked with the stupid stick again!?"

Also true.

I always recognized his face first, then had to mentally churn a bit to remember why I recognized him. Men in Tights, obviously, but I really never watched the other shows he was on. And he killed it as the Sheriff. Sad news. His husband was a lucky man, because he was still damn good looking in his later years.

Seriously, these days there are probably hundreds of steampunk cosplay websites that would have given him some basic tutorials on how to maintain your clockwork.

What the fuck. Maybe they haven't made to Wisconsin yet then, because I tried a damn Target, Meijer, Wal-Mart, AND Pick 'n Save.

I love that theme song from Jack of All Trades.

"People don't want to have any days off in a week, because they could be working more!"

Okay, seriously, where the hell did you find them? I went to four different stores and couldn't find a damn pack.

He means Brisco County Jr., you heathen.

I admit to being a horrible person, because that would be hilarious. Especially if they kept the whole "Anakin Jr. totally left him behind" bit.

I don't care, I love this version. It's so ridiculously a product of its time.

Stupidity? Ignorance? Breitbart?

I know. I'm just saying, I have a feeling that had there not been a fellow Senator in the ranks of the dead, I doubt she would have given half a shit, nor would the rest have. They haven't before, as you point out, but to have someone gunned down that she would have known and worked with? Suddenly, it's personal.

Because there are a lot of Northerners who honestly think the damn thing is a symbol of rebellion and good ol' boy Americana. Or so my cousin posted on Facebook. Nevermind that it's the battle flag of a seditious country that separated from the Union and lost.

I didn't hear the speech, but is it maybe because it was (basically) one of her fellow co-workers that was killed, so maybe, for once, the conservatives crossing the aisle realized these were not just "black people" but actual people?