
First: The Life of Brian.

All I know is, it bored the fuck out of me, and apparently I am in the minority in saying it sucked.

This is why I don't fly in single engine planes. They keep crashing.

Oh why do I remember that horrible, horrible ad.

Lincoln is a prime example of how a person can change their thinking over their lifetime, and do something with that change. He's also a prime example of someone dying for their principles. So, yeah, fatuous is pretty spot on.

Our old neighbors apparently told my dad after they sold their house that "don't worry, we didn't sell to any Asians." In the mid-80's. When we have two Vietnamese kids who live on the other side of us. Not that that was the worst thing, but the whole "I'm going to sit on the hillside overlooking 43 with a shotgun

That was the argument my boss would use. I was the closed-minded one who only paid attention to the "liberal media" (owned by conservatives, but who's pointing that out), yet she only watched Fox News and listened to 620 talk radio, whereas I never watched CNN, MSNBC, or any of the stuff she scorned as "liberal

No, they just tend be open, if not almost proud, of doing it. Whereas the North tends to be more sneaky about it, because "only the South is racist."

We did have a Black Holocaust museum in Milwaukee. For all of twenty years. It's gone virtual now, but I don't think it has the same effect.

That's pretty universal, though. And if you point out any of it, you end up going against people screaming that you're being "revisionist," never mind that you can pretty easily look some of this shit up in newspaper archives. Like lynchings.

Yeah, that's pretty much the funniest (and by that I mean "stupidest") thing about all of these "USA! USA!" types down there: that flag represented an entire group of states WHO SECEDED FROM THE UNITED STATES TO FORM THEIR OWN COUNTRY. So they're flying a flag of a country that gave the middle finger to the United

It definitely does.

Seriously, every time I see her name my mind instantly goes to "Draco in leather pants" and I can't stop laughing.

Honestly, I never got the huge backlash. Batman & Robin was spectacularly bad, and was pretty obviously so from the beginning, but Batman Forever I always thought wasn't terrible, but definitely different from the previous movie.

Frankly, I find it more disturbing that almost everyone's reaction immediately after (and for a few years) was to remove the towers from EVERYTHING, as if saying "we need to remember this horrible tragedy by acting as if they've never been there at all." It's so bad that when I saw Muppets Take Manhattan in the

Yeah, I don't know why I tend to forget that one as YA.

I would watch that. Just to say I did.

As long as they make their money back, they don't give a shit. See Twilight.

I remember seeing ads for it, but I never watched it. Mostly because it came out at a time when I was young enough to have read it not very long before, but old enough that I thought it was too "kiddy" for me to watch at that time. And, yeah, Batman Forever. That didn't help.

I've never even read those books, and even I knew that was patently false.