
It seems weird, right? When I was young, I wanted to read the books my mom had, which meant gravitating into the actual adult fiction area. Now that's saturated with fantasy that's less fantasy than "strong woman kicks ass but needs a man. Also, vampires/werewolves/pick whatever supernatural creatures and mix"

Probably because that 10% has such a crazy hit rate they feel it would be insane to not try for it. Harry Potter was insane, Twilight was too, and Divergent isn't doing too badly.

All I know is The Mortal Instruments was written by the same person responsible for The Draco Trilogy, and the first series is basically a numbers-scraped-off version of the second, basically like Fifty Shades was of His Master's Universe. So I have very little inclination to give money to anyone who used what should

Oh, I know my bosses are currently freaking out over their budget and money (their last accountant basically gave them four days notice and left, and they found out after the fact she was way behind in the books, and probably fucked up the sales tax so badly they're going to be audited), but there's three of them

I would bet a pretty hefty chunk.

Oh hell, that happens at the small business level too. My co-worker has cried my ear off about one of our bosses being skin-flinty over basic office supplies (which can be written off against their taxes), the culmination of which was telling her that they wouldn't be buying any more tape for us to use in the store,

Yeah, that was creepy as shit.

They're like ticks, after all.

Honestly, I thought it was Helena's egg fertilized by the creepy leader's sperm.

Ferdinand's snap baseball attack, and his almost grimly cheerful planning…I laughed. It's horrible, but I laughed, because wow. We need him around more often.

Why I laughed at his anger at finding out they were behind it, and him dealing with his former coworker's body I don't know, but man. He definitely does not.

Right? If there aren't products in a movie or show of some type (even if they make shit up, ala Red Apple cigarettes in Tarantino's movies), it's weird as fuck. You expect some sort of name brand somewhere, but it doesn't mean you actually feel the need to buy that shit.

I find product placement kind of funny. To be honest, I don't remember the last time I watched a movie and saw, say, Pepsi products all over the goddamn place and said, "You know what I want? A drink that tastes like dick, because that movie just totally got me craving it." I hate Pepsi. I would not watch a movie

To be fair, Dr. Pepper is pretty awesome.

(Steve Augeri. Looked like a blond, permed version of Perry. Was replaced by Steve Perry's Filipino Equivalent. Augeri had no real power for shit, and according to Wikipedia, he's doing charity work and just formed a band last year. There you go.)

It is a terribly sad story in general.

I'm pretty sure he could finally get his ass dragged into court over the misdeeds of his cohorts, thrown in jail, and charged, and he'd still be a viable candidate because he "took a stand against Debt" or whatever shit he keeps spewing.

No, she died. The difference is, HE survived.

Walker is definitely doing his best to make us Mordor.

Are they the same ones who insist he's not a citizen despite being born to a US Citizen?