
Sweet fucking Jesus, yes. This, so much.

Wasn't Mr. Wednesday short in the book? Maybe it's just my mental image of him.

We're in This Together Now is one I will come back to constantly.

I love The Fragile, and I'd probably pick it over TDS, though a lot of it is because I actually won the former for free, and it was one of the first things I'd ever won. So I played the holy hell out of it as a result, and it does play easier.

Wasn't one of those bands supposed to have a cameo in the movie, too?

The last time I remember someone shooting through a McDonald's drive through window over the wrong sandwich was in Detroit. Not that I disagree with you, but Florida is not the only state with loonies.

Yeah, that confuses me too. I thought it was pretty much Idle against everyone else in the group by this point.

Because simply colouring them better would have been difficult!

I was so hoping after that he would have just thrown her into the water and left without her. Could not believe he let that slide after just telling her what she needed to do.

I would have been thrilled had she moved in to kiss him, and he blew her off in a callback to the two in the control center and their awkward "no, I'm actually not interested in you" conversation.

Her shoes, man. I kept watching her feet to see if they had slapped Howard in some sneakers like they did the model in Transformers so she could actually run, but either they CGI'd them out and expect us to believe she bought the dress equivalent of Kevlar, or she can actually haul some serious ass in heels. (Which

Right? The kids were so extraneous to the plot I kept hoping desperately they'd just get shoved into a car right away and driven off immediately once everything went to hell. Nothing would have changed.

I did, and thought I was imagining things.

I love my Back to the Future Lego set, but it was a bitch to put together. Mostly because they didn't differentiate very well between the grey and black tiles in the pictures, so half the time I was puzzling out which damn one they meant.

Really? Huh. Didn't know that.

Also saw Jurassic World. I think the movie can be summed up pretty well by something that happens at the end: a raptor riding a T-Rex. Dumb internet memes. Honestly, the thing that annoyed me the most is that the movie rests on the premise that the scientist who was in the original movie—and who saw what happens

That would be funny. On the other hand, they might end up with a Neville Longbottom who goes from a chubby-cheeked kid to a beanpole.

Unless they're an RPG, I've found it's no real problem. Especially if they're games you've known well — I have Turtles in Time, Super Mario World, the Mario collection, and some Sailor Moon games, and I can play them just fine.

Well, on the one hand, they might cast someone who actually looks like a teenager for a change.

Or that too. I'm still frankly amazed they can figure out what colour their skin was.