
I've been told they reheat well if you make extra and keep it in the fridge, then basically add a little liquid when reheating, but I hate leftovers, so I've never done it. That's why I came up with the water bath solution; cooking oats in the slow cooker straight ended up with crispy outsides. I had to find the

Not being a smart ass: I think it's because they've found the bones for their throat that produce the sounds, and they've been able to replicate or at least guess what they would have sounded like.

They were rock stars.

I love garlic, so all I can do is laugh. Because I've had that happen too.

I've found out it's basically the "fresh" dairy that kills me. Yogurt I can eat without a problem, and aged cheeses, and (usually) cooked custard or ice cream, but fresh cheese, milk, cream? Worst stomach ache in the world, and too much of it actually makes me nauseated. Which sucks when you're in Wisconsin and you

I remember it existing, but damn if I remember anything else about it.

She's very talented indeed.

Earthbound is obnoxiously expensive, yet the original Japanese Mother…isn't. I've found it hilarious I can buy Super Famicom titles online for cheaper than the Super Nintendo versions for really no reason at all.

I wish I could drink whole milk without needing to pop pills. That's pretty much the only supplement my doctor has me on; calcium. Which I also get through some veggies.

I was not even aware that was him in 1941 until TV Tropes, swear to the gods. That made it that much funnier.

To be fair, it can grumble my stomach too. But I've found that cooking it a bit longer helps. And honestly, I just don't eat enough meat to arguably have any real protein intake, so quinoa (and whatever else I can cook with it) it is.

I thought it tasted shitty too until I cooked it in something other than plain water. But I see your point.

He does have a PhD in Horribleness.

I didn't see it, but wasn't he kind of forced to change it around when his main actor up and cacked it?

He's mostly dead.

I think their burgers are just okay (though I admit, I love being able to customize them), but their spicy fries are delicious.

It cleans my system out pretty good, so that's me looking on the bright side of eating at McDonald's.

Quinoa. Yes, I know everyone jokes that it sucks, but if you cook it in tasty, tasty broth, it can be awesome. Buy it in bulk and it's a lot cheaper than the pre-packaged stuff. I mix it with steamed veggies, some pasta, and parm cheese, and that's dinner easily.

They were just trying to emulate the sexy Ronald in Japan.

I'd rather eat at Burger King than McDonald's, which has unfortunately replaced all the Burger Kings in a twenty mile radius of my house, the bastards. Other than that, we can choose from Culvers, one Arbys, two Taco Bells, or Dairy Queen.