
Gargoyles: the first cartoon that dealt with gun violence in a realistic, non-preachy manner. And then later censored for it, because kids are dumb.

That's good to know. Honestly, I have yet to see a movie with her that I've found funny, and I include Bridesmaids in that.

Man, if only we could do this in Tapped Out. It would make giving us Sideshow Bob (finally a playable character) useful.

I read it all. You have a pretty good grasp on why it's an entirely terrible piece of shit.

So it's actually a movie that doesn't use the fact she's fat and/or brash and loud every few minutes?

I wish I could do that, but I'm technically not inside, so I can only grimace at whatever crap my co-worker puts on when I wander through. The very few times I've had to work an actual shift behind the register I just put on PBS or Create and gave no fucks.

I honestly only saw the one. I was surprised too.

Well, it winked at me.

What sucks is that, when the comment is collapsed, you can't see who left it so you can ignore it.

It was so cold on the lakefront. The lake breeze was definitely a vicious bitch today.

Well, you were wearing a mask; I thought it polite not to point you out specifically.

I loved Season 3. It didn't hurt that I graduated the same time Buffy did (with some space in-between, since they put off airing that last episode), so it resonated a bit more with me on that.

Went to Milwaukee's Pride Fest with a (very, very gay) friend who has never gone before, and had a blast. Saw a penis; considered my day well spent. Might have put a toe in the door at a potential job as well, but who knows with that one.

Oh, it's pretty obvious Lucas didn't rewatch the OT, or even remembered about half of it past "Jedi, Luke was Vader's son, Vader was some guy who could fly well named Anakin, sand, sand, sand, sarcastic golden robot" and went from there.

Yeah, I was pretty bummed too. I couldn't fathom how that awkward howl torpedoed him so fast. It was just a scream for fuck's sake.

Pretty much this. I live in one of those redder-than-a-monkey's-ass red counties, and even though you could read daily about how much Walker fucked Milwaukee county in the ass almost daily, my neighbors all universally think he's the second coming of Christ. And now he's even taking away tenure from my professors,

Well, the fact he lied about why his parents left Cuba hasn't exactly won him much sympathy.

I started school a year early, so I ended up graduating when I was still 17. Had I started school a year later, I would have started my senior year on my 18th birthday, August 24th. As it was, it was always kind of depressing to know once my birthday arrived, school was usually a week later. Now it seems weird to

Hell, I'm attracted to men pretty much across the board, and I would not have turned down young Dave Foley slinking up to me as Jocelyn, so….same boat, I guess?

I recall some people doing so, but it seemed like overall not many people were willing to defend her. That may be because she seems to be pretty generally disliked even without the whole "possible sexual abuse" angle.