
That too, but the two siblings' existence as exposition and time-wasting, basically, really stuck out to me.

I need to look that up. I only have the DVD of the movie right now, but I keep mulling over looking up the songs.

He had his eyes basically burned out by…something, I can't even remember what. I just remember, at the very beginning, when one of the Matrix dudes demands the Oracle's eyes, and I knew immediately Neo was going to be blinded in turn.

Mostly what I remember is being irritated at the third movie basically giving away the whole "blinding of Neo" crap pretty much immediately for me. The second movie I just remember because of A: minority rave! and B: them still trying so desperately to convince us Neo and Trinity had chemistry together, and then

I am surprised at how few people I know have even heard of The Rutles.

It excuses them because it shows liberals are hypocrites….somehow…even though a lot of people, even liberals, were frankly disgusted with Dunham. At least that's what I saw of it; I don't recall Dunham getting off lightly from that one, so to point at her and say "Well, she did it!" means jack-all.

It's the work of the same person. Who is Lana.

The mini-subplots with the two younger siblings could have been cut out entirely, and should have, if nothing else for time.

Dave Foley was a pretty boy in a dress in his youth. Nowadays, not so much.

That's because the general public is crazy.

I don't know about pop culture secrets, but for some reason, my extended family in Texas would constantly put on Grease for the kids to watch when we went to my uncle Frank's house for Easter. It was a running joke after a while.

I'm not a big classic movie fan by any means, but I'll easily watch Some Like it Hot without reservation all the way through. Yeah, it's not gut-busting or laugh a minute, but it's a solid movie.

Universal health care finally got its feet and started to soar.

That basically describes Wisconsin. Granted, in my village, there's about six bars (if you count the Moose Lodge, and the bar in one of the restaurants) within two miles of one another, so you can walk easily to all of them. But getting home? Yeah, you fucked. There's no bus service, and no taxi, so unless you

….huh. I don't know if I feel like looking up more, or feeling like they're just like fifty other dance mixes I've heard on a dozen compilation albums.

You clearly knew me from high school.

I blame Hot Topic for the rave+gothic crossover that happened. Those fucking pants…

It's that look to the camera that finishes it off beautifully.

First time I remember any game pre-installed was Solitaire, because my first computer ran on DOS. And I was replacing that Solitaire game with the modified Sailor Moon deck when it became available online.

I actually just found a DVD of "A Goofy Movie" at Goodwill Saturday. Man does it take me back. (Also shocked the shit out of me, since the second movie is available for streaming, but the first was impossible to find.)