
Stewart might seem like an unlikely candidate for this sort of thing,
given his outspoken criticism of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Well, if it makes you feel any better, most of those flags that get waved on screen (and really, everywhere else) are made in China.

Don't worry, he won't be there. This is his Great Summer (I'm totally not going to say that I'm running for president yet!) Vacation time.

They are? I didn't identify with any of the child heroes on screen when I was a kid. It never occurred to me to even bother.

Considering Obi-Wan originally said he met Anakin while he was a pilot IN THE CLONE WARS, the whole damn thing is messed up, time-wise.

I still remember being highly amused how fast Romney went from a cultish Mormon who should be lambasted to totally acceptable as a candidate and someone to be admired by the Christian Right. Because even a cult member was more acceptable than a black man.

Too soo—wait, it's been over twenty years?

Aren't those most Lars stories?

It's pretty sad when a video game rip of the album is twenty times better simply because it isn't turned up to 11.

Well, a couple thousand Wisconsinites can't all be wrong.

I hate myself for laughing at that.

It is, but you couldn't bother telling him this. He swore he was small (which is true when he's flaccid; he's a grower, not a shower), even though I'd point out that very fact constantly.

Sadly, he's a self-centered asshole, so he remembered things like that maybe once, and then totally forgot about it.

Do you have any crackpot theories about turning introverts into extroverts?

Yeah, I'm remotely interning now for the Button Museum in Chicagoland (seriously), but it's just ludicrous that even an opening for shelving books for ten hours a week demands experience. In that case, I'd like to ask them why they even bother calling me to interview if they know they won't even think of hiring me.

Is that a bad thing?

I've pretty much given up and moved on to buying batteries in bulk. After the last friend-with-benefits basically told me we couldn't go any further because I'm not a Christian (and thus, not someone he could show off to his mother) and he was in training to be a pastor, I've decided it's easier to just turn on some

Maybe it's age? I know as I've gotten older, the same issues that keep me going have changed from what my friends have. It also means, interestingly, as I lost friends I had in high school, I upgraded associates I had in high school to the status of friends. But I also have very few people I can call "friends"

Sounds like my current attempts. And all I'm trying to do is score some hours at a library so I get experience before I finish the degree, and I haven't even managed that yet.

I would say it depends. I'm pretty bad at being able to deal with eye contact even in a normal setting, so staring at the guy I'm with during sex is practically impossible. Lots of times I've ended up staring at the ceiling or the wall and been fine for it.