
Big dicks can be scary even if you're not gay. My first sexual experience was with a guy who was about six and a half inches long (and who whined constantly that he felt small), and who just skated the edge of hurting me if he got too vigorous. Seriously, anything longer would have hurt.

Interesting. This one says I'm INFP-T.

As of this moment, ISTJ, apparently.

I know I watched these shows, but damned if I can remember anything about them.

We've given up trying to even attempt to point out logic to her. The only thing I tend to take is calcium, and that's because my doctor told me to. My mom, on the other hand, has a fucking cabinet of supplements, lots of which I don't even know.

I remember when I first saw it and felt a little disturbed at the notion of someone's life being on TV 24/7. But boy did it foreshadow the bile to come.

I may be lactose intolerant, but I soldier on. *noms garlic dill curds*

She eats larger portions than she reasonably should, and not usually healthy. Also, alcohol. But she seems to think if she takes a lot of vitamins (and I mean A LOT; my dad, on multiple meds from the VA, doesn't take half the amount she does with a meal) it counteracts the fatty crap she eats.

Yes, that one. That was hilarious.

Hmm, possible.

I was never happier when I moved from the gas station to the car wash, because I couldn't take watch my coworkers cleaning the hot dog grill with the waxy counter spray we used…on the counters. Instead of sanitizer. Or even hot water and soap. I still can't believe no one got sick.

Wasn't that the one where they served up slices of apple or banana or some shit, and they all swore up and down they could taste which one was organic, and they were all wrong?

And yet weirdly, my mom (who lives on vitamin supplements to counterbalance the excess in food she eats) thinks putting calorie counts on food menus stupid. But she does think organic is somehow so much more nutritious than normal food, so she does count.

Wasn't it beef that's so far down the USDA scale, it's barely even considered safe for human consumption?

Only reason I bought some of their shells is because they (very weirdly) use Flamas flavour for the spicy ones, yet I can't find the damn chips ANYWHERE, and my mom goes ga-ga over them. So I bought the shells, broke them up, and gave them to her that way.

I've thought of trying vegan just to see if I'd actually lose any weight, but since I barely eat any animal products now and I don't, I continue to eat cheese with glee.

It's a KFC/Long John Silvers here. And boy can you tell.

So does that make Qdoba/Chipotle the Mecca for slightly less impoverished vegetarians?

I'm all for natural red dye. I like my red like God intended it; from crushed bugs.

I'd eat the flour before I'd eat the bugs. At least the flour isn't staring back at me.