
Potatoes you need to eat with dirt, to absorb the poison…

Someone I know is doing the "paleo diet," and I swear she looks like she hasn't lost any weight at all. Not that she's gained any, but she's definitely not getting slimmer.

It does reflect the time period, that's for sure. Even though George B managed to beat down the bully and win the girl, they still associate with the bastard. The alternate 1985 Biff is ten times worse, though.

The salt of the Earth. You know…morons.

Mine didn't, though I suspect that even then we knew Milwaukee suburbia wasn't likely to be a major enough target that we'd have to worry. I actually kind of feel like I missed out.

I always thought that was the point: George A was such a dickless wuss that even though Biff A tried to rape (or very likely did, since George didn't punch him, and no one else probably intervened) Lorraine, he ends up still being Biff's butt monkey because he just can't escape the cycle. And Lorraine A, even though

Original Jennifer was definitely better than Sequels Jennifer, who was a walking ball of slapstick. Not the actress's fault, but I hate Jennifer in the sequels.

So, basically like the people who voted for the dipshit who lived in Milwaukee who completely ignored everything he'd done.

Your dad sounds very confused. It's the "I got mine, so fuck you" mentality that people of a certain age seem to get.

Considering that north of the border most tacos come looking like a salad got slapped on top, carrots, I would think, is the least annoying crap they could use. At least they add sweetness; lettuce does nothing but look stupid.

I believe "The Vampire Diaries" is only there because the two brothers were involved in the war. (Instead of in the books where they were born during the Renaissance, but clearly that wasn't interesting enough.)


Can I enjoy my veggies and quinoa instead? I think the chicken broth might count, though.

I like your reasoning. Except that the US starts Christmas before Halloween is even over with nowadays, so we can't use that as an excuse.

Huh. Didn't know that was the Roman version. Granted, I thought the Romans identified her with Artemis, or Selene.

It's the repetition of the audio cuts that drive that home. Plus the "Vicki Vale Mix" version.

Is Memorial Day even a holiday known for actual memorials, or is it just sales? I don't even know any more.

That is a very weird song. Very….weird.

I don't think I'd say those high of numbers, but there were definitely lynchings. And land grabs after the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, because the US frankly did fuck-all to bother honoring (or protecting) existing land grant rights. And school segregation. And housing segregation. And job segregation.