
I know, but I was offering a potential biracial hero in the filmverse. He's the only one I could think of.


I applaud them for their spontaneity producing this moment of pure hilarity, then.

Donnie is amazingly accepting of Allison's criminal ideas, and yet, also amazingly quick to embrace the lifestyle.

That's why I say "I don't think they're really that concerned." They don't seem to really try to hide anything, they just don't announce it, and they know it's pretty obvious.

I think that is the moment I really buy that they're together, and they love each other. True, Donnie went through hot glue gun torture, but this seemed like them genuinely being together, as partners, and enjoying their mutual criminal activities.

I don't think they're really that concerned, they just don't go out of their way to advertise it.

That scorpion is such an asshole.

That twerking.

Well, if we assume Samuel L. Jackson is playing Nick Fury JR, and not Nick Fury Sr, Junior is biracial.

No one can tell.

They could have hired a black actress, or a biracial one.

Yeah, that's what annoys me most about the whole thing. Although I was wondering how they were going to deal with the sibling bit; I guess Sue's adopted in this one, which is such a lazy bit of crap.

Everyone also focuses exclusively on African-American civil rights, when Latinos were fighting for many of the same things, at the same time.

They passed it? WOOOOO

Possibly for the same reason my old roommate tried, even though he claimed voting "didn't matter" and had no idea how many US Senators there are; because he thinks it makes him sound smart.

Well, at least he was honest.

That's something I can't seem to get across to people if I ever get into an argument with someone when shit like this happens. "Well, Bill Clinton cheated on his wife, how is HE any different than [insert conservative here]!?" Well, for one, I don't remember Bill Clinton walking around with the Bible practically

At the point we stop accepting "religious beliefs" as an excuse for getting away with it.

The first part is the only reason I really like the show. The places he goes can be interesting, but watching him actually take on the challenge—as well as the fact such challenges exist—drive me nuts.