
That too.

When I saw the South Park episode that mocked these movies, I seriously did not realize it was an actual fucking movie that existed. I thought they had just pulled the worse thing they could out of the manatee pool and went with it. I still can't quite believe it's something that exists and spawned sequels.

Or how Chicago during what should be morning rush hour is somehow completely quiet and devoid of cars.

I can wear a 34 inseam if I have my inch high block heel motorcycle boots on. Otherwise, a 32 is usually just scraping short, 33 is impossible to find, and if I don't get "curvy" fit, the waist is too big after it fits my hips.

Do you at least have skinny hips? Because if you don't, it seems curves are still un-cool in the jean industry.

I had a male coworker years ago who was pretty much exactly my height (5'4''), and yet my boss would always ask him to reach for stuff high up on the shelf, because I was too short.

….well, there goes my future job security, I'm only 5'4''.

I vote for Duluth Trading company. They have "Ballroom Jeans," they must be made for the red carpet!

Me neither. I suppose they realize I probably have little to no money to fuck with, nor is my credit good enough to even attempt to ghost sign me up for a credit card. Honestly been a pretty good experience for me. But fuck them for pulling that shit on people.

It seems like, before Guliani basically spit-shined the city, everything out of New York pretty much took the piss out of it. I don't remember anything that really ever said "yeah, New York is awesome!" before that, because it was basically a shithole with some gloss.

Annoyingly so. My mom has to watch it when it's on, which means I'm usually trying to kick her out of the kitchen when I'm making dinner because I loathe that show. (Yes, I cook for my parents and me.)

"Cheap, yet curiously sought after."

Last year at MGC we saw stacks of PS1 consoles being practically given away for $1 because the poor vendor was desperate to get rid of them. Wander into my local Goodwill six months later to see the exact same early model in the glass case…for $40. There's actual rarity (like Chip 'n Dale 2, FFS), and then there's

I still remember being completely appalled and disturbed by the cover of that album when I saw it at a friend's house; it was her older brother's. Granted, I was also a barely-teenage, somewhat sheltered kid who didn't see that sort of thing otherwise, so I was mostly shocked it was the cover of an actual album that

I don't know; I assume I'm getting old when the music that was on "alternative radio" when I was a teenager is now on contemporary radio stations without any hint of irony.

….well, that's depressing to realize that is, actually, pretty much when I stopped doing that. Also when I first bought an MP3 player. Perhaps the two events are related somehow.

I had planned on seeing the first of the Muppet movies they're showing at Marcus for the next few weekends—this weekend it was The Muppet Movie, the first one, that I still have yet to sit through completely—but that got thrown out the window by me getting basically forced to work. And then dealing with a finicky POS

I'm wondering if they'll just re-edit the entire thing and only keep the vaguest tie to the original plot and the characters, or go "fuck it" and keep it pretty true to the source material and go balls out. I'm really hoping it's the second.

Managers are usually not the smartest ones in the pond. That's why they're managers.

But he didn't sound like he meant it!