
All I remember is the "Jem is my name!" and the bit right after.

Now you're just talking crazy.

There is clearly an Agents of SHIELD academy much like there is a Storm Trooper marksmanship academy. Both, apparently, suck at teaching you how to actually aim or actually incapacitate someone less skilled than you.

Well, Jiaying apparently needs to suck someone's energy (or vitals, or whatever) to heal faster, so it's probable that without anyone giving her someone to suck on, she's basically dead as a doornail without that infusion.

I would have thought her motivation was pretty simple: "they dissected me like a frog, and they took my child, because they feel like we can be treated like animals. So I'll just destroy them first.'

Yes, though I would think part of the experimentation would be, basically, what happened to Coulson: introducing Kree genetics into a human. But hey, it gives us lots of opportunities to make "Stumpy" jokes now.

It sounded like he might have transformed other times, but not very well, and definitely not in full possession of his wits, or his faculties.

I actually expected Coulson to handle the crystal without a problem considering the blood that got injected into him, so I was surprised when his arm started to change.

And then she goes insane, and we get season 3's villain?

Yeah, I don't get why she has to go "RAAAR, I AM EVUL" to get the point across. That would have just been overkill.

I'm hoping for Inhuman, just because by this point, they keep teasing the possibility and it hasn't happened yet.

I haven't been over the moon with this show, but I've at least been satisfied with it. At least when they don't pull stupid moves to create false drama by making untrained agents somehow able to kick the asses of trained, field capable agents with ease, or having Skye incapable of simply shooting off her powers into

I don't think so; it seemed like it was mostly just a flesh synthesizer. If they built him a prosthetic hand, she'd be able to cover it with skin to make it look human.

Frisco County Jr., too.

I know I watched it, but all I remember nowadays is the end snippet of the theme song, for some weird reason.

I definitely wouldn't take it seriously if Lady Thor made it into the MCU with the actress of her current movie counterpart.

'eh. I would have been more angry had he not apologized, or tried calling up season ticket holders to personally apologize to them. He knew he fucked up. Which is better than A-Rod has done.

But I wouldn't say Braun was nearly as bad as A-Rod was about it. Once he got caught out, he came out and apologized, including calling some fans personally. A-Rod continued, and still probably does continue, to claim he did no wrong. Maybe Braun didn't apologize to everyone's liking, but it's still better than

I am pissed that he decided that "fuck everyone who actually basically made these movies possible, I do what I want" and apparently ruined the originals to make shitty revisions, but I'm also extremely pissed for this reason. The whole point of preservation is to preserve what you can of the original, or at least as

If she doesn't tell me to drown my problems in a big bowl of strawberry ice cream, they don't get my money.