
Yeah, as much as I think Sarah had a biological right to say Mrs. S didn't have the right, it was still a better decision than the alternative. Plus, A: Helena was a crazy motherfucking assassin who, if in such a situation, is the one best equipped to get out of it, and B: even though Sarah seems to have forgiven

I don't know, I have no problem with the Castor clones not being very individualistic, considering they were raised in a military environment. They may never have had a chance to really grow into individuals until they were let off the leash so to speak on a mission. Hence why Mark seems to be the one who actually

The sun never set on his Empire.

John Harrison. No, really. Why doesn't anyone believe me!?

*shudder* I know.

All I could think of during the whole "dig out the bullet scene" was….WHY? WHY ARE YOU DIGGING DIRTY FINGERS INTO HIM!? And I don't remember where I read it, if it was in the comments here, or somewhere else, that if a bullet ends up in you, nine times out of ten it's staying there, because there's no reason to

Except an abortion is a woman making a choice over her own body. Capital punishment is saying we have a right to make a decision of life or death over someone who is an actual breathing, separate individual. So yes, it's entirely possible to see that is hypocritical, especially when the people who are anti-abortion

Hey now, we're getting rid of public funding for our state parks now, so it's not just the public educational system Wisconsin's government is determined to roundly fuck.

Well, when state parks funded publicly are now apparently an entitlement, you know we're roundly fucked.

Food stamps do have some weird limits, though. I had to go through the federal and state (of Wisconsin) lists to settle with a co-worker over what, exactly, they could sell when a person wanted to use their food stamps. You can buy energy drinks, soda, chips, and all sorts of basically unhealthy crap, but no

Perhaps they'll finally talk about Vietnam!

Don't you know that they get paid like kings and get three months vacation a year!?

I love this movie, and don't care what anyone thinks. Granted, when I first saw it as a teenager, I was unimpressed; but I was also getting out of a "I'm not in high school any longer, I'm allowed to like strange, almost nerdy things because I don't have to care about what people think of me" phase. When I saw it

I wouldn't say "favourite sketch" (because damn it, they're all so good), but the one that always stuck with me is the Canadian suit trappers. Only because I can get that damn song in my head pretty easy.

I have the WookieGroomer edits, that combine the 1977 theatrical, and the 2004 soundtrack, but I remember reading about that other one.

Well, she was originally Peggy's sister, sooo….maybe a little less gross?

Yeah, I couldn't believe he didn't get that one. I thought it was so obvious it may as well have been screaming the answer.

Only if he puts on the Ms. Marvel costume. Complete with thigh highs.

I can't even fathom what we could expect if Coulson finds out he's now basically an Inhuman.

I don't know, I get the feeling Raina might have been bullshitting, and actually gotten it right on accident. She clearly wanted to get some power, and considering how messed up she usually is after a vision, she was remarkably calm when she was telling Cal that one. So, yeah. I think she just underestimated what