
No, though you could probably infer that of his adopted father (who didn't want to be, mind) slash mentor. At the very least, verbally.

Don't forget being lowered from the ceiling, almost falling out of her chair, then splitting the crotch of her costume open and slowly flashing the crowd. Which is treated as the worst thing people have ever actually seen.

British Betsy or GTFO, am I right?

I thought that was great, just for that very fact.


A hot mess
of COCK?

One of the bigger reasons I just gave into my hatred of Rogue was precisely that; she constantly kept hewing to the same whining bullshit of "but I can't touch people!" instead of actually, you know, trying to work on her powers. Granted, a lot of that was the writers not bothering to give a shit either, but it was

Courier being changed into a woman permanently is one of the weirder things I remember from that Gambit series. Whatever happened to him/her?

If I could keep some of the features I've actually found nice on my Note 4 (like S Health), I would probably try CM. On the other hand, I don't want to go to Lollipop yet, because Xposed isn't really working great yet.

I love my Note 4. Even though I had to get the Developer Edition to be able to root it, since they still haven't cracked it.

But what's interesting is the arguments on AndroidPolice and the like claiming that "only techies care about SD cards and removable batteries." Like hell.

I would say, though, for people who do a lot of music or artistic editing and work, a Mac is definitely what you need. Every time I was dragged to Guitar Center, all of the various plug-ins and shit I saw for computers were always for Macs, and that seems to be what they really are the best at.

Really? Harry was born in 1980, which is when the first book starts: Halloween of that year. Really not that hard. Flash forward to when he starts at Hogwarts, each book takes up a school year.

You just had to do the math. Harry was born in 1980, each book took up a year of time.

If she wanted them to have happy endings, she wouldn't have put Ron and Hermione together. Even she admitted that one.

Even he admitted it's not exactly a deep well. "Orphan boy wizard saviour" isn't hard to come up. That's practically Mad Lib Tropes.

Well, she has apologized for putting Hermione and Ron together, so at least she's admitting more than one of her many mistakes.

I was actually more surprised that both twins didn't die, or at least another member of the family.

I don't know what it says about me or you that I don't remember that scene at all, but you do.

I think it's more the "only about five actual actors in Britain" effect.