
Well, to me, it felt more like it should have been them beginning a relationship, when it was clear we were supposed to see them as being in one already. So, yeah. That, and why it was necessary at all…

They're Mavericks that way.

Saw The Movie, of course. I enjoyed it; I went in knowing it's basically just setting up more plots and advancing the MCU overall, so I was satisfied with it. Kudos to Whedon for the misdirection; granted, he laid it on so thick it was difficult not to have some assumptions.

Also, naming a band after it.

I remember reading a book that makes fun of monuments in the US, and one in particular is for the Spanish-American war…with dates that include the war in the Philippines, except it isn't named. So if your knowledge is of the shorter war against Spain in Cuba, you're looking at the dates on this thing wondering who

You can definitely find some unusual things on there.

If they pulled a House of M and had Wanda go insane and bring back Quicksilver, I don't think I would complain.

Well, it did turn into Soulseek QT.

Wait, you mean….I have to choose?

Like I said; catty. I was hoping he'd at least call her out on it a little bit more, because wow.

It gets really crazy when you hear it in certain cash registers.

We had to use Explorer and Chrome at work so we could run the towing software on Explorer, and use Chrome to view maps. Then we found out the shit still isn't compatible with Windows 8.1, and even so, they found out it works better on Chrome on 8 anyway, so Explorer is now defunk, thank gods.

…ahahahaaa, WHAAAT. "You lied to me!"

Oh fuck's sake, yes. This season has dragged that entire "secret" bullshit back in front of us so often I keep hoping both Charming and Snow will just fall off a cliff already, just so I don't have to hear it.

"(I Wanna Be) Your Underwear" or GTFO.

Or that too; their parents simply passed on their horrible worldview to the kids.

That doesn't even surprise me, which is sad to think. I wouldn't be surprised if most of their lives all they knew was apartheid, so without any other understanding, once that was over with, their mindset wasn't likely to change.

Spirit, Kick in the Eye, and The Sanity Assassin.

Holy shit, O'Malley was me growing up.

They could have not cut out information from some of them that was actually sort of important. But other than that, yeah, I don't see what difference it would have made.