
Yeah, but….we as a class didn't care.

Huh. I thought he had been shot. My co-worker had the episode on last night before I left work, so all I saw was the aftermath, and all I could think of was, "How the fuck did he survive that much lead in him?" And then gave it no more thought, because I could give less than a shit about that show.

My uncle hung himself in the bedroom he had shared with my aunt, who had died in it after a car accident a year prior. (She had waved off going to the hospital, and since she was a city employee, they let her go. Basically, she survived long enough to go to sleep and, well.) Just like he found her in their bed, my

My Spanish professor at the two year college—who is also about three years younger than me, depressingly—did this. And for some reason used it in class for an example, because we were oh-so interested in seeing her covered in mud and looking freakishly peppy despite it.

Every time I find something with Eight on it, I call it a win. He needs more love, damn it.

Yeah, that was fairly stupid too. Banshee as a kid was almost intolerable.

I don't know about social commentary so much, but if you want a depressing and semi-autobiographical one, Grave of the Fireflies is one.

I still mostly avoid Journey simply because my abusive former roommate was their biggest goddamn fan, and I heard that shit on constant loop every. single. night. But avoided out of spite? No, more like avoided out of bad memories of being thrown across the room.

I dunno, you almost have to give them some sort of grudging respect for being ballsy enough to pick not just the third string, but third string characters who were actual strippers in the comic before being X-Men. (Angel, I am looking at you.) At least Banshee and Havok were reasonably classic characters; there was

Even as a fan of the new series first, and old series later, I was always mystified at how Nu!Who turned the Doctor into some sort of all-important, spectacular Messiah figure. It's a kid's show. The Messiah should not generally show up on something that's meant to entertain the kiddies.

I can definitely see that. I admit, I got started early on during Tennant's run, and I wasn't entirely pleased when the bouncing loony puppy that was Smith showed up, but it was the fans who went entirely apeshit over him that really drove me to the precipice of thinking about not watching it anymore. The day

I still think the best way to cope with the problem is assuring yourself that they actually hired him to play John Harrison, then changed their minds and thought, foolishly, "Heyyy, bringing Khan on board in the second movie of a rebooted series is a fantastic idea!"

Kitana and her fans. Always fun to lift people in the air and uppercut them repeatedly.

I thought it was the actor's suggestion.

…..not sure if serious.

….I kind of thought that was the point? Fury says flat-out he was being a manipulative bitch when he personally went to Coulson's locker, smeared his blood on the cards, then flailed them in everyone's face. And it worked: none of the characters really gave a shit about one another, but throw in someone they had

Welllll…..it's still ongoing in the comicsverse, but he's still dead.

ST:TOS had an episode with Native Americans in Space, the main character of which was played by a Jewish actress in brown face.

I know, but the use of it generally ignores the fact he is biracial, as he's only judged on his status as a black man and not anything else. Not that it isn't still a great step towards equality, it's just irritating to me personally as a person who has a similar issue.

Or Jews