
I'll back The Wedding Singer unabashedly. I think it's actually the only Sandler movie in recent history I'll still watch.

Which is more accurately "Biracial President."

I have to admit, the fact they were trying to dress them as Comanche instead of Apache is at least closer than making Pocahontas look like a Plains stereotype. It's still fucking stupid, but they weren't crossing the continent at the very least.

I wasn't as upset as others about Depp being cast (I mean, yes, why the fuck outside of star power would they do so when there are plenty of actual native actors probably looking for work), but the way they handled some issues in the movie just really pissed me off.

The Laser Dragons is an awesome fucking name, and I would support the shit out of them. Plus, bonus: getting rid of the current name.

And which modern readers seem to completely misunderstand.

Sorry, should have been more specific: I pre-ordered tickets for next week at that price. I do hope it is as good as the first, though. Even if a bit I read described Wanda's power as "telekinesis."

All I know is, I was damned happy to only pay $8.00 to see it in Ultra Screen 3D. Student discounts 4 life, man.

Well, if someone's political views are that repugnant to me, I just….won't see their movie/buy their music/etc. Like Ted Nugent. But there's a pretty short list of those people, and while I would probably not argue with RDJ on any political viewpoint, I see watch his movies with enjoyment. Kind of like the people I

It's possible, yes.

Yeah, but I expect in a world where Twincest is a big thing, that no one had a eureka moment before this.

Yes, I guess I was. They're both pretty bland names.

Yeah, that was the name. I knew it was something hokey like that.

I did make it through O:ZT, but I think I realized I was struggling far too hard to enjoy it, when the internet was starting to give me much better fanfiction.

They were practically giving them away!

That's when you use a name that sounds real, but isn't actually yours. Which is why my Facebook account is under….not my own name. And honestly, why would anyone use their real name on 90% of their internet accounts? I've had handles since the friggin' early 90's.

Really? Ah, well. I'm not completely up to date on all minutae.

I have ONE job on this ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it, okay!?

No, I think the joke was that he was so hysterical he literally forgot his own name for a second. Plus, I know I've had moments where I could tell you Sigourney Weaver is the name of the actress in Alien right before you asked me her name, and then I completely blank out, and so does the person who asked me.

Fuck. Yes.