
Tickle-Me Elmo, when that damn toy was all the rage, was a constant fixture at my gas station for a good year or more. My boss honestly thought it was a great idea to have some to sell, at inflated prices, so of course we had one that no one wanted to buy but insisted on poking to make him giggle. We only managed to

Wasn't the Defenders started by Iceman and Angel pre-X-Factor?

I divorced not long after, actually. That storyline was epically bad. Most of the writers had no actual clue who Onslaught was, so half of it didn't even add up at the end. Plus, the whole "who killed the X-Men?" plot being resolved from Bishop's time in the most ridiculous way possible.

Well, it was Onslaught basically telling Jean, "hey, guess what, your mentor was super-creepy and not the big hero you think he is."

He's not Tibetan.

He did take it out years ago, it had nothing to do with the current event. And he was trying to get out of said dangerous story, and was in fact thinking about moving jobs at the paper to get paid more, to afford his wife's care.

Yeah, it seems like a really odd complaint. I mean, how many people is she expected to kill before she's no longer bothered? Apparently, just one. I'm sorry; if my dad still has problems with what he did over thirty years ago in Vietnam, after training to do exactly what he did, I have no problem expecting a

Tanaka. Yeah, Opal Tanaka. Her.

All I remember is that it was after he turned into Catbeast, and I think a big part of his being dumped was because he was basically so inhuman looking by that point, as well as an open member of the X-Men, that she couldn't handle the pressure of dealing with it, and still being a reporter. Or something like that.

This might not help, but there used to be a writing project where everyone was the opposite gender - XXY. Possibly the story links still work.

Mentioned in the mid-90's during that awful bullshit that was Onslaught….

I think that was II.

I am honestly surprised a quick search on AO3 didn't give me any. What the hell is taking so long, rabid fanfic shippers?

Wasn't his girlfriend at the same time seen as a beard? I honestly don't even remember her damn name anymore.

Yes. Although Colossus was not one of the OG 5, plus it was a different universe entirely, so not quite the same situation. Just mostly.

Me too, but that's because I spent way too much time at the Subreality site back in the day.

Dogma is a movie I enjoy for its take on established religion, but holy golf clubs are all of the nerdy references obvious and so glaring it takes me right out of the movie at points. At least when he did the joke about Mark Hamil in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back it was meant to be over the top and obvious.

Which is insane, considering there exist plenty of versions done by FANS from laserdisc copies in which they've basically done all the work cleaning up and sprucing it up. All Lucas would have had to do is download a copy and mass produce. It's all BS that he couldn't give us a better, cleaned up version.

I admit, that was pretty much the reason I was taken entirely out of Phantom Menace when I first saw it; all I remembered was wondering who the fuck that little kid was, and why was Obi-Wan an apprentice, and what the hell happened to the story he had originally told Luke? I had been excited to see the Clone Wars,

Actually, I thought it was when he divorced that the problems really began to surface, because his wife was no longer around to tell him "George, this sucks. Reign it in."