
They could have completely scrapped PM and jumped right into AoTC with some tweaking. It still would have been problematic—you know, seeing as Obi-Wan's whole "meet Anakin" story in the original started with Anakin as a pilot in the Clone Wars already—but at least we could have avoided the most boring trade

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie, and I'm pretty sure it's mostly down to seeing him die in funny and horrible ways.

I don't know about anyone else, but hearing that over the credits of Battleship was the funniest thing about that movie.

That is literally the one thing I remember hearing when they said he was getting his own show: he was The Guy Who Kept Corpsing. I didn't, and don't, watch SNL, and had no idea who he was, but if I do know anything, it was that.

Partially my experience too. At least one guy who gave me hell in school decided, one drunken New Year's at the bar (note: he was drunk, I am a teetoler, so it was a bit awkward already) to tell me he thought I was so unique and awesome for being myself in high school. And despite the fact we were almost a decade

No clue; gods know I might have been happier not being an actual nerd in school, if only for my social life.

I can't imagine what school would be like now, if I were there. Being an adult in college is weird enough, but most of my childhood was defined by being one of those "people victimized or marginalized for nonconformity" etc etc, and now that it's all apparently "cool" I can't help but wonder if maybe I would have

You basically just answered your own question. A: all those shows are on Comedy Central or FXX, not TBS, and B: "earlier." Even though we don't have a hardcore watershed, it's still usually a given that most of the raunchier stuff will be on later, because talk shows, for some reason, seem to be aimed more at a

She did manage to pull herself up by her bra straps afterward, though.

Honestly, if Hardwick just pulled a Vanna White and simply pushed the button to change topics, and let the comedians just riff off each other for a half hour, I'd like the show even more. It's a necessary evil to deal with Hardwick just to see the comedians.

To be honest, I never noticed her bruises.

My cousin didn't stay in a dorm, but she was also living with her boyfriend/later husband at the time, so it may have just been lack of need.

That does sound like a better argument than your jumble of words. And I agree with that one.

Yes, it's true; this man has no dick.

At least they chose the tax books first.

While walking through a storm that can apparently freeze gasoline, no less.

The fact they kept namedropping Wisconsin in 2012 is what made me snicker the most. That, and the fact I think Emmerich finally reached the point of "fuck it, let's go balls out."

I totally prefer Stargate the movie over the series and I'm unashamed to admit it.

I voted for the other guy.

She could have recorded the conversation and given him that. All he needs is proof, he doesn't need to physically be there. In service of a greater good, yeah, but still a dick move.