
I just loved "Remember the Time," mostly because of the music video. Whenever we got channel 8 from Michigan, it was some barely visible music video station, and that was on constant rotation for a while.

I only know of one of the soundtrack songs. I never realized there was an actual movie attached to it.

Mostly just spent my weekend at what has become the equivalent for me and some of my friends of Superbowl Sunday: the Midwest Gaming Classic. Currently at the hotel as I type, feeling my eyes drag down, but damn it's been a good day.

Two of his recent books had a scene with a submarine that had, if I recall, a planet-busting nuke in it, that had been helmed by Islamic extremists, in the future. Along with, basically, the Holocaust Mark II because Everyone Hates Israel. Ignoring those two bits, they were good books, but it's otherwise put me off

The Hyperion series is straight up my favourite series ever, but I've kind of stopped following his work after he did the two books on the Trojan War/Shakespearean mashup. (I am so tired I can't even remember the freakin' names.) It was already evident he's veered so off to the right it was a little creepy.

I had to convince my adopted cousin (who is so Mexican-American he can speak Spanish [I can't, which is why I make this distinction]) to watch it, because he thought, based on what he heard, that it would be bad. Selling point: it's a spoof of telenovela, and it just revels in it. Suffice to say, he loved it.

I can't even get angry over them; it's literally the same lazy shit I've heard from other people, including friends. I'm not pleased he made them, but I'm more annoyed that it was such a half-assed effort.

I was always so happy I never bothered looking at The Draco Trilogy. Even before she became a big name author, that fic made the rounds as an example of Shit Not To Write.

They are definitely not very clever, that's for sure.

Maybe if they had kept the original plot in 2—that TGRI was basically the Utroms—I think it would have been several degrees better.

It does seem kind of mad that that's the cherry on top of the ridiculousness, but I agree. I am not going to believe that they learned martial arts like that from a book, and not just a book, but what looked to be the length of a fucking art book. Seriously, it was what, ten pages long?

It was "south of any existing housing" because the people living there had been relocated in the 40's because suddenly it was considered "a blight." Which was basically LA deciding they needed the land more, and moving everyone they could out to build new housing that wasn't for the people they'd moved out. So, no,

Yes, the "progressive" North, where cities existed that literally allowed no blacks within their limits after sundown, the Pekin Chinks were an actual high school team, and…yeah. I hate people sometimes who honestly don't realize the North is just as racist; they're just subtler about it in some respects.

The Millennials who are convinced voting doesn't matter because there's a two party system of assholes. Which, granted, is true, but as I pointed out to my coworker, if all of them would actually bestir their asses and vote for third party candidates, they might actually make them a viable option due to sheer

The best ones are the ones who argue that they don't vote because "even if they do, it doesn't count." Well, dumbass, it isn't counting now, is it? Infuriatingly, almost all of my coworkers are either these types, or the ones who are so shit-stupid they just believe whatever's on TV, and usually Republican, and

I'm just mildly bemused at the fact that, when I first saw Trever Noah, I had no idea at all he was a comedian; he was just some South African dude on QI who made Sandy whatshername almost faint with joy over his singing. No hint of comedy in his appearance at all….

I don't see why anyone wouldn't think it could happen, as it already has in a different state. But I'm more worried about something akin to a small grocery store that's owned by devout Catholics who decide they can place their faith over the well-being of their workers, as well as decide it means they can tell a gay

No, you forget, we're supposed to rely on those lazy, lazy professors to take up the slack.

You're not welcome.

Right to Work.