
Thank you. I realize most people I've had arguments over gay marriage with won't get that distinction, but from my perspective, it's the same sort of bullshit that meant many of my cousins, aunts, and uncles, wouldn't have been allowed to marry in several states.

You know why that is. I'll give you a clue: he ran against someone who rhymes with "flack" and ends with "man"

Midterms. We managed to get out the signatures to recall the dickhead, yet I guarantee half of those people didn't even roust their asses to vote. Though, honestly, if you look at the numbers, only roughly half of Wisconsin even voted, so the just-bare-minimum half of that is only a quarter of the actual state

There is exactly one stage that ever seems to have musical acts I give a shit about, and that's the BMO Harris, which is now a Pay-For-The-Best-Seats scam. Every time I get an email telling me "So and so is coming to Summerfest!" I take a second to wonder who the fuck they are, then delete it.

Yeah, but the T-shirt example is not the same as a gay couple. The T-shirt can be removed, and is usually (not always) worn as a specific sort of antagonism. I get what you're trying to use as an example, but no one worried about someone's T-shirt (which, incidentally, if that were the case, it would mean schools

Okay so….I half win.

But again, it happens 129 years in the future. He can run to Romulus all he wants, tells them what will happen, and then what? That's a lot of time between him telling them, and them managing to do something….or forgetting about it….or deciding war against the Federation is a better use of resources….or deciding war

If you've also never heard of Cowon, I continue to win this game.

Exactly. If these were acts that hadn't cracked any Top 40 charts, who are getting endlessly ass-fucked on Spotify, I would see the reasoning. But Madonna is not searching her couch cushions for loose change, and neither are the rest.

Hey now, my Aurisonics Rockets only cost $149!

Your third point is basically why I don't use streaming services.

I just looked up the wiki on it. Wow. They seem to be a math-obsessed coin flip of the Klan in some respects.

Lossless audio.

Yeah, I'd love a streaming service that actually acknowledged those of us who like lossless. And honestly, I don't blame the artists for trying to create a collectively owned streaming service; it probably cuts out the middleman for them.

Because it happens a lot further in the future, and currently, they have other shit to deal with? Romulus wasn't exploding the next day, it was going to take a good century and a quarter. Why the hell would they be arsed about it then? Hell, the Romulans were barely ever on good terms with the Federation most of

I admit, I've toyed with the idea since I keep seeing interesting dolls on Etsy that keep being patterns instead. But I'm frankly too frazzled between work and school to even attempt to focus to learn a new skill right now.

Saw Insurgent Friday. Can't remember the last time I was so bored at the movies. No, wait; I think Transformers 4 was it. Even more depressing was that after two Friday night movies in the last month where no one else bothered to show up, we had a small crowd this time. Couldn't even MSTK3 the damn thing to keep

Exactly. That was just the cherry on top of the stupid sundae.

That was egregiously bad. "All of my blackmail proof is in my head, mwahahahaaa!"

Mary=Moran. Callin' it.