
Partially that too.

Damn it, I wrote a whole damn reply, and it disappeared. If it doesn't appear, basically: that whole scenario would have worked fine, except that Sherlock's whole bit about "you married Mary because she's a psychopath and you would be bored otherwise" was false as shit considering the first half of the episode was

I get the feeling she—and the writers—didn't think of that one.

I'm a little reversed; I like the first, the second is fine, but the last half of the third is such a piece of bullshit I literally cannot watch it again. I could see what they were going for, tonally, for the third season, and I had no problem with it.

Making him carry around a copy of the law that says he can, in fact, screw her, and showing it to her father didn't help any.

It'll be him ranting about welfare, then pointing out how his family wasn't on government assistance, they just had food stamps.

I am not abra—-well, okay, I can be, but damn it, I'm dull to counteract that abrasiveness!

Funny enough, I came in after that, I think just barely; I started reading when Phalanx Covenant started. So I actually only really read the comics hardcore for a few years, though I've gone back and bought the omnibuses of the Claremont run, as well as issues of Excalibur. I feel I missed out on when they were

Yeah, I basically wandered away not too long after, when Operation: Zero Tolerance killed the last shreds of interest that Onslaught had left behind.

Not my thesis. I just offered a variation on it to possibly explain the reasoning on the original thesis. That's the only answer I've ever been able to give when wondering why Kennedy has attained near-Godlike status myself.

She is. That's not really an argument.

So….an unofficial sequel to Zombieland where Little Rock is the only survivor of the first movie, and finds her father just after being bitten?

It was still stupid, considering she was a much better fighter than the first time around.

We still could have had Ellen Page. She could have been Rachel's one man ghost army, making sure she escaped death to send everyone back to try again. You know, like she did in the actual movie anyway.

Him too. I'm still boggled over those two somehow managing to get metaphorically shanked by a guy who never left the country and basically joined just so he wouldn't actually have to go anywhere near actual combat.

Hoover probably accomplished more as a former President than he did as President.

Hell, "I'm a war vet, unlike that other guy" didn't even work for Kerry.

Yep. "Fuck you, I've got mine," as my Baby Boomer dad puts it. That shit pisses him off too.

Would you accept "President killed in office violently when Baby Boomers were growing up" as a better answer?

No wonder your president is an actor, he has to look good on television!