
They should just have a miniseries, where each one deals with the people who have been traumatized, crippled, or watched family get killed as collateral damage trying to get revenge. And have them be smart about it, just to get the point across about how utterly stupid some of these storylines can be.

Honestly, I was more irritated that their slurs were lazy. I've heard similar shit leveled at me over the years (and it's always food! Why the fuck is it always food?!), or seen the supposed "we're lazy" comments, and all I could do was roll my eyes when they did the same. I enjoy the show because the three had

I was so hoping we'd see that on the big screen. So. Fucking. Disappointed.

Which was pretty stupid, considering when she first showed up in the comic storyline, all we knew was that she was someone named Rachel who had the power to send someone's astral form through time. That was all they needed to do. Gods know they didn't give a shit about Pyslocke or some of the other characters they

And if I remember right, done by a Canadian. Who was on Kung Fu: the Legend Continues, so I had the very weird experience of seeing him as the actor first, then finding out he did the voice for Gambit later.

Definitely. I still hear Hank that way, even though Kelsey Grammar wasn't terrible at it.

If they have Psylocke, I hold out hope for her original English version. Because damn it, she was badass without needing to wear a fucking ninja swimsuit, and British.

This is the X-Babies version, clearly.

She destroyed a house in Madripoor. And her AoA counterpart had no problem destroying shit, it was just her 616 version that was afraid of letting loose. /nerd trivia

Kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet, honestly. Just about every super powered group or person in the Marvel U should have one of them running around, planning their demise.

I'm sure there's a "even the Devil is scared of him" joke to be made, but I'm too arsed to make it.

Probably. I honestly don't know, but it would not surprise me at all anymore. At this point, I think they've decided he can reform from DNA he's left on a water glass.

Surprising no one, considering how jacked Wolverine's powers have gotten over the years; his healing factor in particular went from "well, I got pretty badly burned, that's fixable," to "irradiated down to the skeleton? I can cope." I don't even think Xavier's protocol to cut off his fucking head would even work

Irritated that I missed this—apparently nonworthy—commentary today, since I was all ready to buy three seasons worth of episodes from Half Price Books. Until I saw the ungodly line snaking all the way to the back of the store. On a Sunday.

Some of the costumes are hilariously bad, yes they are. Ernie Hudson as King Trident is a highlight.


I haven't honestly used it for games yet, but for watching movies, it's pretty good. You do need a better remote, though; the controller sucks balls, and so far, even though you can buy a Flirc dongle and potentially use your own controller, the best I've found so far is using my old Note 2 and Yatse. (Which, sadly,

Last week's "I think the Dark One is in Storybrook, but I'm not going to recall that he can magically look like anyone, nor notice when Hook turns and looks right at me when I command the Dark One to do so" was full of grand fucking fail.

Once Upon a Time is definitely a show that borders on hatewatch for me at times. I really am only interested in seeing what they do with the classic characters, a la what Fables did, but there are so many times I want to scream at the screen "INNOCENCE IS NOT STUPIDITY." I get they keep trying to portray the whole

I agree; I probably wouldn't have guessed Huguenots either, because we barely ever mentioned them in school, except when an explorer happened to be one. I probably would have guessed the Templars.