
I've managed to dodge the bullet that is Insurgent this Friday, though I suspect I'll be dragged to it next week. Not looking forward to it.

I admit, I wish I was one of those people. I can't even make eye contact for very long with family members, let alone people I've just met.

'eh, I bought one of the last Ouyas off the shelf at Target, hooked it up to my NAS, and stream that way with SPMC. Definitely love my Roku 3 too, though. Haven't touched my Chromecast since I got it.

I did not know he did this, and that really upsets me to find out, considering I used to read his old blog fairly steadily.

Didn't say she would be happy with what I have, although for what she actually watches, she would pretty much get everything with what I pay. All she does is record shows and watch them later, and a good chunk of them are available on Hulu+ the next day. About the only thing I've found I can't get is Doctor Who,

Nope. She just has pretty much every channel they offer, plus three movie channels.

I am unapologetically a Cure fan, and even I won't defend their last two albums. I'd still see them in person at last once, though, but I have a feeling Smith's voice just isn't up to it anymore.

You funny little person, thinking people in the United States recognize anything in England as not existing inside of London. Like British accents, they're all English, right?

Hmmm. $7.99 a month for Netflix, $7.99 a month for Hulu+, and $49 a year for Amazon Student. Yet my mom's Dish Network bill is, if I remember last, almost $200 a month, if not finally over that hump.

If it were a Galaxy Questish spoof of real actors being mistaken for action stars, then yes.

He did rap like a ninja.

But he didn't have a Saturday morning cartoon show like MC Hammer did!

Every time I see a commercial about this movie, I both cringe and laugh at the idea of Sean Penn as some sort of Stallone type. He looks awkward as fuck in every scene he's in.

If there was not a fight in the submarine, I am calling bullshit on it being in Manitowoc. No one goes there without visiting the Maritime Museum. It is essential.

All I remembered being vaguely interesting in the first movie was when Kate Winslet was pinned like a butterfly. And then let go, for, uh….strategic reasons, or….something.

We're all just prudes.

It is a shiny piece of shit, but it's been admittedly hilarious to see my techphobic co-workers unable to actually break anything; they can't figure out how to get into anything outside of Chrome/IE since the Start Menu does not exist as it did previously. So, small bonus.

No, just Windows 8.

Post-it notes. Hey, it works for Laurell K. Hamilton.

It did, and does. The program itself is a piece of shit as it is; I spent four hours a few weeks ago trying to figure out why it spontaneously decided to ignore the printer. Deep inside the program, I kept seeing the two LPT printer ports listed—which we don't use, it's a USB connection, gods know why—and it was