
When I helped install the new computer at my gas station, I made sure to install Chrome. And then found out the tow program they used required IE.

I honestly thought it was a joke when I saw it flash by on the screen the first time. Then I found out the horrible, horrible truth.

It never did.

That has to be difficult. My condolences.

Yep. My parents watch NCIS, and dad is 70 this year. And he doesn't watch much TV outside of Jeopardy, food channels, DIYTV, and racing/sports. But he'll watch NCIS.

It has Sailor Moon and the new Crystal series. Double dip.

Saw Chappie. Unsurprisingly, it was only me and my mother in the theatre again for a 10:10PM showing on Friday (which, after MORE COMMERCIALS and the previews started around 10:30, FFS), which meant I was again able to snark loudly. Which ended up in me being told to not be so loud when I made some disparaging

I do have a large selection of straight soundtracks too. I've long since given up trying to act as if I care about current music that makes the radio. Drives my mom nuts on long trips, because she'd rather listen to Top 40 crap, while I'm cranking up Sonic 3.

Exactly. That's why it felt a little like dying inside. I want to weep for the loss of the larger sized MP3 player. Fucking thing barely hit its first decade before it was practically put out of its misery. Even cassette had a longer lifespan.

I was thrilled they didn't try to shoehorn in some sort of mawkish romance like other movies have done. Widow is clearly more interested in ribbing Cap and trying to push him off into dates with other women (as well as kicking people's asses), Agent 13 was pretty much all business whenever we saw her, Peggy made the

Gabriel Iglesias is probably glad he lost, seeing as he's doing so well despite it.

Once, I think I tried it. I think I recall it had a little more of the weirder music I listen to, but still not everything.

You mean you haven't heard of talk radio?

I've listened to Doctor Who audio plays at work, but unfortunately, they're almost completely drowned out by the drone of the blowers. I think they just record them in such a low tone that I need to practically crank my settings to hear them, and I have a good set of IEMs and a good player, and it's still a losing

Hell yes. I tried my hand at Pandora a few times—didn't always care for the music they suggested—and other services are sorely lacking in a lot of music I listen to. (Like the aforementioned VGM.) Besides; I love my phone, but the battery in no way lasts as long as my X7's does. Running my phone the entire day

Was gonna say…. Wolverine hasn't lit up since the late 90's, I think.

Trust me, it felt weird to even bother typing that.

Right now? Video Game music. Remixes and straight soundtracks and rips. Before that, it was a mix of 80's and 90's music that I'd hear on the radio as a kid and teenager (before I stopped listening to the radio entirely, anyway). And I'm still old school; I have an MP3 player. I refuse to stream music.

I admit, it's not a stellar movie by any means, but the opening montage of why sports now suck never fails to crack me up.

There's always a band in summer that I'll catch at the state fair that tries singing Journey. Usually because they have a female vocalist. And none of them can even get within a stone's throw of those high notes, which results in some pretty hilarious attempts at trying, flattening out, and giving up halfway.