
Same here. I would kill for a time machine and the ability to hear him at Live Aid.

Steve Perry can hit the high notes (or could; his voice is pretty much gone now), but Mercury is definitely leagues ahead of Perry.

I admit to enjoying the First Class and DoFP more than the previous ones, but that's really just saying the shit smelled less than the older, stinkier shit. And true, Xavier and Magneto have been probably the best cast out of the entire group. Not too keen on Jackman, but he's done a pretty decent job with it, even

Nope. Don't like 'em. I don't even consider them "halfway" decent, frankly. They were like Ultimate X-Men, in that they had all of the same personalities as bricks, I could not and still do not buy Famke, Bond Psycho, as Jean Grey, and in love with a Scott Summers who looked almost twenty years her junior, Halle

That single has some seriously incomprehensible lyrics. The beat isn't bad, which is why I listen to it overall, but what the fuck she's trying to say is apparently in some sort of code I can't figure out.

I was just shocked Sony hadn't learned from Spider-Man 3: MORE VILLAINS=VERY BAD. There's a reason 2 is held up as almost the Holy Grail of superhero movies in these modern times.

Oh hell yes. I think I've been so pleasantly happy with the Marvel U so far because the attempt to bring X-Men (my favourite comic book series) to the screen ended up as a miserable pile of shit with claws, in my opinion. After that, what Marvel has done with its properties has been enjoyable; hell, they've made me

I would possibly watch that.

Hell, give him anything so he'll shut up about that fucking vodka of his for five minutes.

Hey now; only that slick piece of glass S6 that Samsung just put out wasn't all plastic. My Note 4 is proudly all plastic. With some fiddly little metal bit of trim that means fuck-all to me when it's covered by a case, but still.

You should tell us how it works for you. I'm not very keen on how they made it look (to me) even more like a kid's plastic piece, and I say that as an owner of a red Pebble now. But then they showed a Steel Time model….

Most of the reason I own a Pebble, honestly. When one works in a car wash and their co-workers are trying to contact them to tell them a customer has lost their shit over soap on their window, it's a good idea to have something that actually vibrates hard enough for you to realize you have a text when you can't hear

I know they peel, but I mean really rotting down to the bone. I find it hilarious that they're somehow doing better as walking corpses then they would be if they had been hastily buried.

I still want to know how the hell these zombies in the warm and humid southern US haven't all rotted away to nothing but immobile piles of bones yet since the series started.

CLAMP has done a ton of crap. It's kind of ridiculous how prolific a group of interchanging female artists has been over the last two decades.

Same thing when I hit my head, except faster. For a second I thought I was going to throw up, or die, realized I had to get off the ground or I was in danger of being a speed bump, and managed to limp in a sort of confused pain out of the parking lot. I'm actually surprised at how fast the excruciating ache of

Not much pop culture this weekend; I ended up having to go into work Friday morning with twelve hours notice. That was annoying enough, but I ended up tripping as I went out to deal with the last car of the night, landed on my right knee, tried to roll to the left, and bounced my temple off the concrete. My knee has

I honestly am rather mild on Chimes, but I think a lot of it is really because I can't stand Charley. I still don't have the entire run with her and Eight (most of it, but there's some gaps after Zagreus), but I bought a few more during a recent sale, and by gum, she sets my teeth on edge. She's like a walking

I think I'll be going more into the digital; I'm also taking a digital history class that suggests to me the future of archival is also going to be the massive question of "what the fuck do we do with shit like Twitter and emails?" (Well, granted, the LOC already took up Twitter.) It's been funny having discussions

Hopefully it will be my job in a few years; I'm taking archival classes now for an MLIS.