
You mean you aren't interested in the 8.5x11 glossies I've compiled?

A place I still have not wandered. Maybe I should.

No. No it won't. I've caught enough bits of it to want to kill it with fire.

Which sucks. I used to be able to go to midnight openings because I work until 8. Now, obviously, it's not possible.

I've been seeing new releases at our local Marcus on Friday nights with my mom, roughly 10 P.M. showings. Almost every single one has had almost no one in the theatre with us at all, including Cap 2. Jupiter Ascending was literally just the two of us, which meant we were free to loudly comment on it.

Marcus Theatres (if you have them) are $5 on Tuedays, and some are $5 on Thursdays for students. I can double-dip, it's great.

Possibly as much as it does snorting Pixie Stix normally. Which I've been told by customers they've done. (Most of them, unsurprisingly, were young teenagers.)

You lucky bastard. Working in a car wash when it's 70 is preferably to when it's 15.

Maybe just steep it in the milk beforehand, strain, cook, and add a little chopped at the end? I don't know, I'm not a pot smoker or baker of any type, but I do know that's what I tried to do with fresh mint.

And yet, you have not offered to share any of these recipes (sans the weed).

If it didn't have the caramel, maybe. Quite a lot of ice cream would be much better if they removed the sticky urine shit they pass off as caramel from the recipe.

He's been lying to us?

You mean Nebraska isn't a hotbed of redneck hicks? He's been lying to us?

Also true.

To be fair, though, isn't the tour money basically where more acts make their money? It doesn't seem to be in the actual music sales anymore.

….so, it's like AOL in the 90's, with RhyDin?

I don't, and still don't. I don't see the need to stand up at ball games to say the pledge as if I've forgotten I'm still living in the US, still a citizen, and my dad and plenty of my family are still vets.

So those are yours I keep finding in the bottom of our car wash bay?

That's how you show your patriotism: wrapping the flag around your X-rated bits.

I dunno, they seem to be doing pretty good with my dad's PTSD in the Milwaukee VA. Of course, their methods of handling it are putting him on more medication than he was previously, and having him come in for a monthly group meeting, so either they're doing something right, or dad's just that mellowed out now on good