
…so, instead of correcting the professor when she knew damn well it was her name being mispronounced, she waited like a huffy little brat until she was in danger of being dropped? It's like Key and Peele actually know this girl.

If I remember right, the director claims he thinks Spike is just sleeping, and fuck it, I'm going to think that way too. The man's tired.

I agree. That's a gut punch on its own.

Stop reminding me that I'm old.

I knew, generally, what the ending was before I actually sat down and watched it, and I still teared up. It's not even that it's depressing (which, oh damn, it totally is), it's that it's an encapsulation of what so many young men faced in real life. And I think it's hard for me not to magnify their fictional deaths

It's hard to forget this lament when it's one of the few phrases he speaks in Tapped Out all. the. time.

That's the difference? Seriously? Weird. Mine was elementary (K-4), middle (5-8), and high (9-12).

It's still been funny, in a miserably sad way, to watch him attempt to play with the big boys, though. "I can totally deal with terrorists! Ignoring the people who mobbed the capitol building and sang songs in protest is totally like dealing with crazy religious militants who like cutting off people's heads!"

He wins elections because we couldn't convince enough people to get off their lazy asses and actually vote, instead of complaining about how everything sucks. Considering, if I remember right, if we'd gotten the voting numbers we'd gotten for the actual recall drive, he'd no longer be an issue….

They're really going about stopping game piracy in the wrong way.

Think you might be stuck with super fiddly shit, then.

Ah, okay. (You did mention a new one, but since the name is literally "new 3DS XL" I wasn't sure if you meant the actual model, or just a new original 3DS XL like I have. Fucking Nintendo and their so recently stupid naming ideas.) I don't know, then. If the screws are about the same, those bastards are really

Do you have the "new 3DS XL"? Because my 3DS has an sd card slot that's accessible right on the backside.

I would have rather watched an entire episode of full clips than the shit they aired.

I love American Gods. Mostly, I think, because not enough fiction takes place in Wisconsin.

Pop culture for the weekend: decided to take the plunge and see what a Family Video account would cost me (answer: first month is half off all rentals), and merrily rip blu ray to my NAS drive. Since I got a new phone (a Note 4 DE; I love it so much), my old phone is now doing remote duty for my Ouya running XBMC, so

Because apparently everyone streams their music on their fucking phones, that's why. Or at least that's the only answer I have, because I've been pissed off for years that music players have gotten smaller and smaller in memory. Which is why I'm still nursing my two Cowon players that actually have more than a

Is it just one screw? Can you get the rest out and maybe pry the cover up?

Always check the Daily Deals; I've seen Star Trek on there plenty of times, and my mom bought all three seasons on blu-ray for $74.00, roughly, which is about half of it goes for normally.

I found a few books about a Texan dance called a cotton-eyed joe, but this version of the song is, uh….interesting, to say the least.