
One day I might actually try smelt. I'm still trying to convince my parents to go almost anywhere else on Fridays than our two locals, because damn it, if we can't visit every fish fry joint in SE Wisconsin during Lent, when can we!?

To be honest, I read the book for a sci-fi class only about two years ago, and I just remember A: being amused at how little the movie actually took from the book, and B: being angry about the book in general. Although I can't remember if it was because of my professor's ideas about what the book meant, or me being

Nope. The book, to me, is honestly almost an entirely different story, with similar names, and replicants.

Sci-fi Asians all look alike.

We can only hope she shows up to the Warner Bros. lot dressed as Catwoman. It worked the first tim—oh, wait, no, it didn't.

I've thought about downloading them to listen to them when I'm at work, but that's too much effort. I've also realized, since I've been listening to Big Finish Audio's Doctor Who episodes this way, that I can't actually pay enough enough to follow the thread; all of a sudden I'm in the middle of an episode, and I

Those books….I love them so much. Even though Simmons has apparently gone off the deep end himself in some ways, I will never not love this quadrilogy.

That's why I wasn't very bothered by the HC; Steve explicitly picks them himself, not the military. Though I do find it curious how very colourblind he is, in contrast to quite a lot of people around him. That, I would have liked explored more.

I remember being so pissed when I read the books years later (as a teenager), and realizing just what they skipped over. Frankly, the backstory about the rats was waaay more interesting to me than the stupid amulet bullshit.

I do love this movie, but Cumberbatch is still my favourite. I think I had it in a pretty high status in my memory for a long time simply because a friend had never returned my VHS copy, so for years I had never seen it again. Thankfully, it's pretty good.

Everyone but Sagat switched names. Which is weird, because M.Bison was originally named Vega, but Vega is a Spanish name, so the matador having it made sense from the get go, but he was….Balrog.

I just wanted to make TA so I don't have to pay tuition.

I've noticed that criminals will definitely wander in players' towns no matter when they played last, but if they don't call the alerts, they'll stay alerted. And since you can only tap a number of criminals for rods (whereas you can make at least 1 rod a tap up to the end of your friends' list for the calls), the

Is he really? I…cannot envision that, at all.

Wisconsin allows for a bachelor's degree and a certificate, or a specific teaching program. I do believe, however, that at the college level all you really need is a Master's; I remember one professor at my two-year college complaining that almost none of his fellow professors ever bothered to take a teaching class,

Not unless you're a TA, at least. Or so my college seems to do.

I'm definitely enjoying it, though I really need to clear some people off my list who aren't bothering. You can pick up criminals, but not make calls, which is mostly useless.

I thought as much. Fuckers.

I was a little surprised, but damn, I teared up a little too.

I do too, but I seriously doubt he will. But hey, he got nominated.