
One can only imagine how much worse it would be if the awards were chosen in the manner of The Voice or some shit.

Besides doing homework for three online classes (and trying really hard to get over the ennui of bothering; I think the bullshit the History Department keeps putting me through over getting into the grad department is really dragging me down), I've pretty much spent my time playing with my new phone, and the games on

And then there was Reality Bites.

Whaaat? Are you saying the passion between a woman and her dog wasn't there for you?

I just can't figure out how the big argument seems to be that somehow, aliens are impossible to cope with, but hokey religions are perfectly acceptable.

But it's so fun!

Well, to be fair, I think the difference in hearing can be heard. Sometimes. In certain conditions. I know when I have a good (or at least "decent," I guess) pair of IEMs, I'm hearing sounds from the VBR files I've made from FLAC files that I don't hear through the speakers alone, or through shittier earbuds. But

We never let a little thing like geography get in the way. #GoUSA

Not saying it does, I'm just surprised if anyone in the US even understands what war he's been spouting lies about was. I have a feeling a lot of them just understand "war" and immediately took the stance of "Bill O'Reilly, American Patriot, raaarr!" and don't get the context.

Basically my point. I have a feeling a lot of O'Reilly's viewers (even the older ones [especially the older ones]) might not even really understand what the hell this is all about, just that O'Reilly is accused of lying somewhere. The Falklands was just not a big thing in the US because we weren't involved.

In the US? And how many might even be really aware of that war? I never wasn't until maybe the last decade, and I'm 33. They never taught us about it in school.

Considering every image I've ever seen otherwise of Aquaman suggests no one else has up until this point, I think we're all just mostly shocked someone actually decided he might be a badass.

Wait, there's enough people in the States who even know what the Falklands War even was to bother giving a shit? I'd expect this might actually be a bigger deal in the UK just because they were involved. Also, because who in the actual fuck doesn't think O'Reilly talks out of his ass every single time he speaks?

OR….are we both so wrong, we've gone 'round to being both right again?

Because she realized everyone liked Jacob better, and that could not stand.

From what I recall (and this is a vague thing, since I didn't read these piles of shit either, and only saw the first movie via Rifftrax, so I'm going off internet discussion) the rapey vibes didn't really ratchet up until after the first book, since Meyer realized Jacob was far more palatable a love interest than

Also including basic theft of very personal information (like, SSN and the like) just so he'd know as much about her as possible. Because we're in the digital age now; stalking went high tech. No climbing trees for Christian!

No argument there, but at the same time, the movies are a riff on those old shorts, and Willie is nothing if not a stereotypical screaming blond from them. Which, uh, yeah, really was kind of weird after they had Marian be a badass in the previous movie. Maybe it was George's post-divorce issues coming out.

I still think Brendan Fraser right off The Mummy could have been Indy's son, and could have taken over the franchise if it came to that.

She wasn't his wife at the time; that was how he met her.