
I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's definitely not as bad as everyone seems to be on about.

I say they do, damn it.

No, but he does crash his helicopter at one point, and everyone thus thinks he's dead for about a day. Sadly, he was not. And explosions were not involved. So basically, nothing at all like your question!

Zombie Ebert shambling from his grave just to type up an epic smackdown would basically prove to me that there is a God.

She's taken Laurell K. Hamilton's viewpoint that everyone who hates her work is a prude, and thus ignorable.

Clearly you're unaware of how old most fanwriters are, in large fandoms.

But he just can't get rid of a bomb!

It is very weird, especially since, as a WWII vet my father and I are friends with has told us a few times, he knew plenty of fellow vets who still won't buy a single Japanese product, and still hate those "Japs" for what happened in the war. And he is 90. The fact that Rogers is so blissfully unconcerned about it

Honestly, I half-expect that's what they'll be doing with Cap anyway.

Because there are too many fans (*coughQuesada*) who never want to admit the guy actually grew up. Even though he was married, and expecting a child, he seems to be perpetually a teenager in some ways.

I believe his name is listed in the credits, but not as Crossbones (obviously), but his civilian identity.

Did not realize he went under a different name, honestly. So I never thought about it being slightly difficult to find.

I do admit, I have to admire his audacity for being upset with a rule tat keeps people handling our food from potentially killing us en masse. Makes me hope every time he goes out to eat, the cook and the server make sure to wipe their ass with their hands before they make his dinner. You know, just to prove his

Those were the good old days! When you could sit in the non-smoking section right next to the smoking section, no protective barriers needed or required!

Not me, but the seven years I lived with a chainsmoker probably didn't help. And he was the asshole type who threw his butts out the window, tapped his ashes out inside my car, and threw a goddamn gasket when they finally banned smoking inside of buildings, because it "trampled on his rights." I basically told him

I am glad to be of help!

Just don't wander into the Android Nexus forums. Or basically, any Android forums at all, lest you wander into the crossfire of pretty much everyone vs Samsung. I mean, I wouldn't buy an iPhone personally, and I make fun of a friend for being an Apple fan, but he gives me shit back for using Android; we're not

I definitely agree about the tributes: for fuck's sake, it was 3 and a half hours, and they couldn't be arsed to do a decent send-off for the comedians who have died?

Or they could of, you know, just showed a clip of the actual original duo playing on stage, instead of trotting out Jim like some poor man's John. It's kind of ghoulish, to be frank; it was Dan and John, and with John dead, it's better to just let it go.

Well, Carrey did get to do In Living Color, so he still got his chance.