
I have heard rumours of this magical place called a "wiki." Perhaps, even, "Wikipedia." But they are only rumours….nothing more.

Curse the A.V. Club's sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Well, you do technically have two choices for Hellsing.

That explains why there were so goddamn many people dressing up like Pikachu at Anime Milwaukee this weekend.

Yes and no; someone else apparently recorded a few lines that never made it to air. Azaria has voiced him since episode 1.

Also a fair point. But, to counter, when the books first made it to the US, I was still in high school. (And a year away from graduation, but that's beside the point!) And I wasn't too far removed from school when I read the first ones, considering I was about 22-23.

I actually did see the episode when it aired — and considering I'd pretty much stopped watching the show due to time and other things, it's amazing — and I have the same thoughts. The show has played fast and loose with a lot of their history and storylines over the years; why this one got so much vitriol, especially

I do admit, I don't know very many actual teens who have read these books. I myself picked up Harry Potter in my 20's—but that was after the first two movies had come out, I had very pointedly ignored the entire thing after being dragged to both and thinking them both terrible, and then finally decided to pick up the

I feel bad for laughing.

All of the above.

Thanks Obama?


You bastard. *sniff*

"Minus five."

They won't risk her crazy in general.

Was he wearing weird contacts or was it just me?

Myers looks like he's doubled.

Wayne's World? Holy shit.

Radner and Belushi tie it, I think.

No room for Victoria Jackson.