
Very true. Wasn't Idle the one who said Akroyd was the one SNL player who could have been a Python?

I've long ago decided Steve Martin is actually a vampire.

The Alpha and the Omega can come close, but must never touch, lest our world be destroyed.

Man is Akroyd fat.

My mom and I went to see a 10 PM showing last night; we were the only two in the theatre, so we very happily commented very loudly on how strangely deserted Chicago in the early morning hours seems to be. And how badly edited it is (though that was mostly me); it seems like they had enough plot for two movies, filmed

Buck Henry could just be the random "host of the month"; we'll never know until the night of if he's decided to pop 'round and give some poor bastard a reprieve from cue cards.

It definitely might make me like Colossus a little more. Especially if he walks around with no pants.

I wouldn't blame him.

Hell yes.

Journey (the band), and by extension, Steve Perry. My former (abusive, drunken, bi-polar) roommate was the biggest goddamn Steve Perry fan (I'm pretty sure, if he had the choice, he would have pissed on the rest of the band's head just for the chance to suck Perry's dick, he thought he was so amazing), and so, all I

They did a full rerun across the board. I was confused too—I'd only caught the interview at the end, which I always ignore—but when Wilmore came on and mentioned it "only being his second show," I checked the air date.

Well, it was more a sanitary pad than a tampon, actual blood ingestion was involved, and it was actually Memnoch the Devil, but yes.

Saw him at Madison too; I have some decently high hopes for this.

Fair enough.

I suspect many don't, but he is technically another option. Just not an easy one.

Hopefully it didn't include Christian basically telling Anastasia "we're going to discuss these rules, but I'm going to ignore half of them because II want to do them even if you don't."

I would be a little worried about someone who includes in their fantasy someone stalking them to the point of finding out their Social Security number and other rather personal information within about a day of meeting them.

Yeah, I get the feeling someone didn't actually read the book (although on the other hand, I wouldn't wish it on anyone), and also totally missed the point about why so many of us hate it. It's not the sex, it's the abusive undertone. Kind of like trying to argue with someone as to why you no longer like the Anita

No, he was eaten by a grandmother on Cooking Channel when he bugged her one too many times for her ravioli recipe.

Jon Oliver.