
Considering they weren't on the air in those four days, I'm not sure what you thought they were supposed to do….ignore it entirely?

A gay, black, female minority? I think Wanda Sykes might not be too busy…

Which seems weird, because Jon has (it seems to me) no problems ripping Democrats a new one when he thinks they merit it (and that includes his friends, like Anthony Weiner, who is presumably no longer his friend). Granted, yes, mocking Republicans is a big part of it, but not 100% of the time.

I think it's kind of like my shipping of Hermoine and Severus; the Severus I tend to find in fics is pretty obviously not the same as the books or the movies, because of the way people have interpreted them. Same as Sherlock; he's generally nowhere near as much of a dick in a lot of work. I'm pretty aware the real

Actually, he showed up in the 80's, but yes.

My point is verified further!

No argument that most of it sucks; I'm just saying that isn't true that there isn't anyone profiting.

Don't forget the Weasley Twins; I'd say they did more for incest pre-Winchester than anyone else.

It changes as I wander through fandoms, though right now it's definitely Johnlock, far and away.

I definitely agree with that first part; the amount of in-depth focus on some actors and actresses is insane. And the fact that a lot of fans then turn around and scream "oh, they're homophobic!" because someone like Cumberbatch is uncomfortable knowing there are realistic drawings of him as a faun fucking John

Honestly, I write fanfiction because I have an ejoyable investment in the original series, but there's a lot of things I can safely still explore within the context of it. There's always some plot hole or storyline that gets forgotten or ignored, and there's always someone there with an idea to explain it away, even

Except now they are legally profiting from it; Fifty Shades of Grey is, with a few numbers rubbed off, still a Twilight fanfic. And really, what constitutes "fanfiction"? If you're legally given the right to write a Sherlock Holmes novel, you're not writing someone that's completely yours, you're using someone

He doesn't fly because of the hollow bones either. Honestly, I don't even recall why the fuck he had them; maybe it was so he could bounce around easier, or something. He was a genetically engineered slave or some shit, so maybe the light bones were useful.

Rural area? I think the most rural school district in our county doesn't like the kids parking there either. But then, they also let seniors drive their tractors to school, so who knows what they're thinking.

We had a cop on duty at our school (and I graduated HS in '99, so I was a senior when Columbine happened), but he basically sat around looking like a doorstop in a uniform. And even after I left, they really didn't change much security-wise; they forced kids to get clear or mesh backpacks for about a year or so, and

Well, they did inaugurate it back in the day with Jethro Tull. You can't tell me the Grammy people don't have their fingers on the pulse of the metal world.

I do love the commentary pointing out that no one actually told him how much blood was going to gush out, so he really was caught totally off guard by the gusher.

I dunno; on the one hand, yeah, one is definitely enough. But on the other, at least he'd be doing it for another set of Star Wars movies, instead of just randomly out of the blue when nothing new was coming out anyway.

Because of Star Wars. Honestly, I enjoy it, and I don't care. But I'd hardly say it's his worst…seeing as that would arguably be Dracula: Dead and Loving It. But I do agree this isn't one of his stronger movies by far.

I literally do not know why yet. But I have a feeling I'm going to hit the roof when I find out the reason.