
Went to WizardWorld Comic Con in Madison, Saturday, which was fun. Sat in on Bruce Campbell and Adrian Paul's Q&A sessions, saw a lot of costumes, and basically enjoyed myself.

The Midwest Aven—no, wait, they had the Great Lakes Avengers. The West Coa—no, shit, they did that too. And East Coast. Ummm….North American Avengers?

He may have been caught up in the heat of the moment and misremembered being on a swiftboat.

Can they also be multiple dicks?

It bombed on arrival.

She still held his heart, though, so she still didn't really give him much choice. After all, look what happened when he refused her.

That's….okay, possibly not the stupidest thing I've heard of anime fans doing (I think that spot's still occupied by the Pop Tarts campaign for SOS in the 90's), but for fuck's sake.

Upvoted for making me laugh at the sheer lunacy of that. "They downplayed the abusive stuff so people will watch it, I guess" is basically what it boils down to.

No, he was more arguably the one being raped. Since the Evil Queen literally had his heart, he couldn't say no to her.

Wait, are they honestly showing this at the Oriental? That's….depressing.

Like I posted before seeing this: I still can't accept that someone this entire society still manages to avoid detection when more and more kids (from what I got from the books, anyway) are being born into muggle families, which means a whole lot more adults are suddenly realizing magic exists. How the hell does it

How the fuck wizarding society has survived in a supposed "hidden" state away from "normal" people. It does not compute: even if the amount of muggle-born wizards is small, that's still a decent enough chunk of people (especially if the numbers are growing, which seemed to be the case) that it makes no goddamn sense

Yeah, it was, but considering the whole premise of the traps was "wizards can't understand logic," I could see the traps being otherwise simple, because Dumbledore meant for Harry in particular to get past. Which wouldn't work if Harry understood logic, then got bitten in half by BIG FUCKING DOG because he's a first

That's perfect.

I think books like Dragonlance have used the same basic premise just as well to the point I really don't have to read LoTR, I've already gotten the gist of it.

Exactly. It would have worked fine without Khan, and aside from a few bits of "you can't hurt me, I'm better than you" blather, nothing would change.

That too. I mean, the books aren't stellar in many ways, but the movies kind of make the "good" Wizards into minor sociopaths as well for all they give a shit about anyone else.

I enjoy it for the fact it wasn't A: the first two, and B: was frankly refreshing in contrast to said two. That said, the missing chunks of plot, and other problems, still annoy me greatly. It at least felt like an interesting movie, where the first two were obvious slogs to get through the material far too

From what I've read over the years, that's the feeling I've gotten.

"Unintentionally," or "completely on purpose"?