
I enjoyed it until it became a very bad retread of Wrath of Khan. It doesn't entirely destroy my enjoyment of the movie, but it did sour it near the end, because it was so unnecessary. Cut out the whole "Khan" bit, keep Cumberbatch as John Harrison, Pissed Off Star Fleet employee on rampage, and it almost literally

In two contrasts: I have never, ever read LoTR or The Hobbit. I simply cannot work up the desire to even attempt to tackle any of it. So I've watched both trilogies cold, without any real knowledge of them despite there being little men called Hobbits, and some ring that could destroy the world, or somesuch.

Slightly warmer than room temperature, maybe.

I always thought it would be disgusting until I just gave up, grew a pair, and tried it. Now it's the only type I order when I'm getting my own pizza, because fuck the haters, that combo is amazing.

Also a very weird anime when you've watched Sailor Moon for years, and realize (via voice actors) that Usagi is basically a ball-busting bitch and Haruka is a whining, mentally broken-by-the-end child.

The movie did at least condense some of the plot, but I think giving away the whole Barty Crouch Jr. thing from the get-go also ruined one of the big sucker punches of the book. True, it wasn't a necessary one per se, but still.

Third movie: cutting out every explanation of the Marauders, except for a map, and a spontaneous stag that's somehow meant to be Harry's father for reasons no one knows. I had a fun time explaining all that crap to my mom after she watched that one.

Sooo…that whole tree thing in the first movie was definitely a surprise, then.

The opening to Blade was just ridiculous. It's impossible to think about it without hearing that track playing in your head. Just an all-around amazing and killer scene that lays out how the movie is going to go.

The Emperor's New Groove might be my favourite Disney animated movie, full stop. And I didn't watch it in theatres either, mostly because I never recalled even seeing any decent promotion for it. I just happened to come across it at my local video rental.

Really? Every single one I went to that my mother went with, I was constantly explaining shit to her afterward because they'd cut out plot that was actually a tiny bit necessary. You know, like who the Marauders were in the third movie. It drove me nuts, mostly because I got to be Ms. Exposition after it was all

It is very bizarre. But no less true. It also makes me think of everyone there dressing like old French aristocrats while they talked shop.

Hell, even I haven't seen it, and I have a BA in History. I've only seen Triumph of the Will simply because I took a dual History/English class on the Holocaust, and our English professor made us watch it to write a paper on its imagery.

And it's about damned time, too. You think of something like the League of Nations, and apparently, everyone gives you a pass on every other shitty thing you did while in office.

Wilson did, however, allow for federal employment segregation, pushed through the Sedition and Espionage Acts (which basically allowed the government to kick out anyone they didn't like, regardless of them being actual citizens), and frankly could have possibly headed off Vietnam had he listened to Ho Chi Minh's plea

I'm not a CBS viewer at all, but I do know from my parents' repeated viewing of NCIS in my presence that a Hollywood Perky Goth is one of the characters. So, uh, that's the difference?

It is insanely different. I mean, I know I tend to avoid the SE, but seeing them presently so starkly against the original laserdisc versions is almost painful.

Yes. I could completely buy young Spader in that role.

"Lovingly massaged"?

I find this idea unusual, this idea of a "better one" of this works.