
'eh, this I can buy, because John always makes things worse by trying to make them better. At least they didn't go with "Chas was born with immortality" or "he made some deal with a demon" crap: it's John's drunken casting that does it. And it's arguably not permanent, since once he dies enough times, he'll be back

That's why I barely carry any cash myself. Mystifies my dad, but it's basically for the same reason you say: if you lose your wallet, your cold hard cash is gone, but the cards can be immediately cancelled before damage is done.

Or attempting to portray themselves as a "true patriot." Or stand in front of a giant "Mission Accomplished" sign, looking like an immense asshat.

Trust me, quite a lot of us couldn't believe it either. Well, we could believe the hypocrisy, but the really unbelievable thing was how many people were suckered into falling for it.

It may be persuasive in that my dad will in no way shape or form want to watch a movie that Jane Fonda has endorsed.


I ask myself that about the people I work with at the gas station. If you're squeamish about any sort of bodily fluids or by-products, you should not be working in a place where you're guaranteed to see as much, or greater, as the hospital down the road.

Montalban was used to excuse Cumberbatch? Really? I never saw that argument, honestly. And as much as I think Montalban's casting (like I stated) had its own problems (as in, just someone who was "brown" and not actually Indian), that in no way should be used to excuse the final result. While lumping one group

That's what I mean. All of the bitching I saw about casting a white guy instead used the example of Montalban, and basically kept suggesting just anyone who was "brown enough," but I never saw anyone mention an actual Indian or even an Asian actor. I guess to me the problem hasn't exactly been fixed when everyone

Funny; she doesn't look Druish.

Oh, I know. I think my village actually gave up worrying by the time I was born in '81, though, because I never recall having to drill for nuclear war. Just tornadoes and fire drills.

Yes. I barely remember fuck-all about the movie, but I have the soundtrack. Well, a fan-made one, anyway.

Spaceballs pretty much was Jews in Space. Sadly, without Hitler on Ice.

The 4 hour recut looks interesting.

If it's better than that Guy Pierce piece of shit, I could live with it. But I love the Rod Taylor version, and I don't care if it's a product of its time.

Actually, I think Juggernaut is de-powered right now, or something.

British Betsy was awesome. She knew she couldn't be a physical brawler on the level of everyone else, but damn could she snark when she had to. And still managed to beat Sabertooth on her own. Then she became a stripperiffic ninja with straps to hold her jub-jubs up, and Sabertooth disembowled her (literally, if I

Nooo, British Betsy needs to make a comeback.

I do agree that the need to tie characters to others is endlessly frustrating. (You know, like how C-3PO was suddenly built completely by Anakin, R2-D2 was one of Amidala's shuttle repair bots, Chewbacca shows up to help Yoda at the end of RotS….you see where I'm going with this.) Self-contained stories ARE NOT ALL