
No argument at all at that last part.

Actually, from what I understand, if we were vaccinated at a young age, the vaccine (and our immunity) may not be as strong as it was before. Most of us should probably be getting booster shots for a lot of these things, because the original shots were long enough ago that if an epidemic hits your area, you might

Who said it didn't, and you just never noticed, being too busy trying to hide under wooden desks in case of thermonuclear war?

Teeny little feet! And leather jackets with the sleeves rolled up!

But at least Jean's still dead.

But not at the same time, because that would be too much.

So does that mean that "weird dog-face Wolverine" from the mid-90's was a Skrull? Well, that's a load off MY mind.

And lezzing it up with Yukio?

Weeelll, to be fair, I think they were doing their fair share of making sure their fingers were in multiple worldly pies while hedonistically seeking pleasure.

Completely agree. I mean, I'll probably see it at some point, but I doubt if I can work up the joy to bother seeing it in theatre. And I love the X-Men. Which is probably why the movies have disappointed me so very, very much (except for First Class, yes, but I've said it before and I'll say it again; if I don't

What, are you trying to imply that smashing the 24th century equivalent of a military plane is somehow analogous to 9/11? Too soon, man, too soon.

Pretty much.

Oh, it probably was.

Yeah, they were making it worse by saying that one. Granted, I have my own problem with the casting in that everyone I saw howling about it seemed to be fine with casting a POC without even thinking about actually casting AN INDIAN. Apparently, all brown people look alike.

This is true.

I tend to lean towards the Remastered soundtrack these days, personally. That updated soundtrack kicks the llama's ass.

Which is pretty crazy. How do you ADD errors? Was it to add some sort of authenticity to it?

I hope you're not, because it's depressing to think a lot of people actually like this shit.

Damn, I wish I would have been the judge for your project. So far, a good chunk of them have sucked, and make me weep for the future. Half the time most of them can't even follow the general thread of the theme.

*slow hand rising up into the air*