
I was freaked about by the dickweed aspect of it, personally. He doesn't ask, he doesn't even bother to act as if she's allowed to consent or deny, he just whips it out and whips his dick in.

Yeah, they were re-imagined as normal people for the fic. I was sad; I was hoping when I found it, there would be horribly written vampire sex. Instead, it was just horribly written sex.

I don't know when I've ever said "Aw geez." I'm a classy sort of broad; "fuck" is good enough for me.

If it is, it's not in the (original?) PDF of Masters of the Universe. That extra "a" isn't there in the copy I found. It is, however, missing a shitload of badly needed commas.

No. No it wasn't. At least not when looking at the PDF copy I've got that I found online. If the PDF is what was originally virtually published, then there was definitely no one awake at the controls when that one went live.

Would it help if I point out that it's exactly the same passage from the original fanfiction?

You could have found the original online, like I did. And it literally is exactly the same with the names changed.

That too. Which is so romantic. I know I dream of a man who wouldn't respect my boundaries, and understand that "NO" means "NO."

She wasn't smart enough to figure out what to start demanding in the contract until later on, I think. I don't remember; I literally could not finish the book because I was laughing so hard, and the rest of it I've followed via an LJ sporking.

Fifty Shades sporking by Gehayi, Ket Makura, and random other characters, because why the fuck not. Also, apparently, Ket is into the lifestyle, so she is oftentimes the one who (knowingly) rages about how absolutely terrible the BDSM is in the books.

It makes you long for the days when people actually had editors who did their job.

Apparently, yes, if you're a middle-aged woman. Or so the clerk at the sex store told me and my friend a few days ago when we stopped by, and saw a teeny tiny display for Fifty Shades complete with fuzzy handcuffs, blindfolds, and a whole lotta' ben-wa balls.

Yeah, but it was still a rather piss-poor place for it. Granted, yes, I'm glad they finally cut that umbilical cord too (and the Legacy Virus a few years later, fucking Christ), but it was so badly done.

I started reading the comics during the last "big event"—Generation Next—but I honestly don't recall them really stressing that it would last. But that also might have been because I knew from the last event that they weren't likely to stick around….no matter how awesome it had been.

Actually, I remember reading somewhere that it was pretty much exactly the reason they didn't cast a POC. Which, well, to one degree makes sense, but on the other hand, there are racists in every group, and Khan was a super enhanced whackadoodle who probably would have been nuts no matter what colour he originally

Me too. At least the first time around, there was a reason (even if it was a laughably thin one) for everyone to be in their skivvies. The second time around, Carol Marcus literally just decides to start dropping trou right behind a man she's already stated out loud she knows is a vacuous horn-dog when it comes to

I still like Generations, even though it's arguably shitty (though nothing tops Insurrection or Nemesis), but First Contact is the best of the bunch, flat out.

….there was a second one?

If everyone had actually collaborated, possibly it would have worked. Possibly. And if they hadn't included the whole "death of the X-Men" that Bishop had been fretting over since his first appearance, because holy shit was that a terrible place to shoehorn that mystery in.